Leaves of Absence

Leaves of Absence

Leaves of absence may be paid or unpaid, and are granted for specific life situations such as having a baby, furthering one's education, experiencing medical crises, or serving in the U.S. military.

Many leave types span employee categories; however, due to different business needs, policies and processes may vary. 

Please look for your employee category in the leave sections. 


Academic Staff Employee Leave Guide

University Med Center Team Member Leave Guide

UNUM Manager FAQ

Bone Marrow or Organ Donation Leave

  • Classified & University Staff

    Paid leave under this policy provides eligible employees with the period that is medically necessary for donation of bone marrow or an organ and recuperation time for up to 30 days in any calendar year.

    An additional 30 days of unpaid leave may be available to organ donors.  


    • Employees who are on disciplinary suspension are not eligible to participate in this program.
    • Restricted employees whose positions are contingent upon project grants as defined in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance may receive paid leave for bone marrow or organ donation only if the funding source has agreed to assume all financial responsibility for this benefit in its written contract with the Commonwealth.

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Follow departmental call out procedures until approved, keep your manager informed of your expected return to work date or any extensions you may require. 

    Submit the Academic Staff Bone Marrow or Organ Donation medical certification to support the use and expected duration of the leave to the HR Leave Team by mail or by dropping it off at:

    P.O. Box 400127

    2420 Old Ivy Road
    Charlottesville, VA 22904-4127

    Medical Certification should be submitted 30 days in advance of the planned leave of absence, whenever possible.

    Pay while on Leave

    The HR Leave team enters the leave status into Workday and pay codes while an employee is out due to a bone marrow or organ donation. If an employee is absent beyond the paid period, they may utilize their own Paid Time Off to receive pay. 

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Classified Staff: Annual accrual stops on any periods of LWOP or after 90 days on leave and resume upon your return to work. VSDP Family Personal and Sick Leave balances will not be replenished until you return to work, if you are on leave beyond the end of the Leave Year. 

    University Staff: Accruals continue while on this leave.

    Classified and University Staff follow DHRM policy 4.37
  • University Medical Center Team Members


    Full-time, Flex Staff and Management employees who have been employed by the Medical Center for at least twelve (12) consecutive months and who have worked at least 1,250 hours during the twelve (12) months prior to the request for leave due to bone marrow or organ donation.

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Follow departmental call out procedures until approved, keep your manager informed of your expected return to work date or any extensions you may require. 

    Contact UNUM to apply  via phone at 866.269.0979 or online via their website.  To apply online, you'll need to log in or register by clicking on the relevant link in the upper right corner of the website.

    Note this leave will not run concurrently with FMLA. 

    Pay While on Leave

    Provides up to 30 days of paid leave. 30 days of unpaid leave may follow, if needed according to the medical certification. During the unpaid leave portion, employees may utilize their own Paid Time Off. 

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Paid Time Off Accruals stop when on any period of LWOP or after being on paid leave for four full consecutive pay period. Accruals resume when employees return to work. 



  • University of Virginia Physician's Group

    University of Virginia Physician’s Group will supplement the income for employees receiving Short-term disability income replacement for a qualifying bone marrow or organ donation to bring the employee to 100% of their base income. Employees MUST also be FMLA eligible to qualify.

    UPG Benefits

Educational Leave

  • Classified and University Staff

    Educational Leave may be granted, at the discretion of the department, for the purpose of allowing employees time to further their education through study related to their work or that of their employer.

    With or without pay at the University's discretion, employees may be allowed to take educational leave with full, partial, or no pay. Please note that pay for this leave type would come from the employee's own Paid Time Off.

    How to Apply

    Educational leave will be approved by your department. If approved, the supervisor or HR Business Partner should notify the HR Leave Team of the approval dates, type of leave, and any conditions.

    Length of Leave

    Educational leave is limited to 12 months. Extensions to this leave, up to an additional 12 months, may be granted by the University.

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Classified Staff: Annual accrual stops on any periods of LWOP or after 90 days on leave and resume upon your return to work. VSDP Family Personal and Sick Leave balances will not be replenished until you return to work, if you are on leave beyond the end of the Leave Year. 

    University Staff: Accruals continue while on Educational Leave

    Classified and University Staff Educational Leave Policy
  • Faculty

    Educational leave offers faculty the opportunity to pursue new knowledge, techniques, and experiences upon supervisor, dean, or vice president approval.

    How to Apply

    Faculty members should work with their department to request Educational leave. The department will notify the HR Leave Team of any approvals so that the faculty member's status can be tracked in Workday. 

    Length of Leave

    Educational leave may be approved as leave without pay or as leave with partial pay for up to two years.

    Benefits while on leave

    During educational leave, the University normally continues to make contributions to the faculty member’s retirement plan and pays the premiums for life and disability insurance.

    If the faculty member is approved for educational leave without pay, the faculty member must pay the full cost of health insurance if he/ she wishes to remain in the University’s health plan.

    Faculty members who are approved for educational leave with partial pay and continue to work 25 percent of the time remain enrolled in the University’s health plan and pay only the employee contribution toward the health insurance premium.

    Requests for leave with partial pay of less than 25% of the faculty member’s full pay must be requested in writing by the faculty member’s supervisor or dean/vice president and approved in writing in advance by the appropriate executive vice president or the president if he/she makes the determination that the leave is in the best interests of the University.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    Faculty Leave Policy HRM-038
  • Medical Center Team Members

    Educational Leave for Medical Center Team members can be granted with approval of the supervisor for a variety of reasons. 

    Requests for leave will be evaluated based on a number of factors, including anticipated workload requirements and staffing considerations during the proposed period of absence.

    Educational Leave is an unpaid leave; however, per PTO Policy 315, team members must exhaust their own PTO before becoming eligible for Leave Without Pay. 

    How to Apply

    Managers and employees will complete the request form and return it to the HR Leave Team.

    The manager makes the determination of approval. If further guidance is required in determining an approval, the manager can reach out to their HR Business Partner or Employee Relations Consultant 

    Medical Center Personal and Educational Leave Request

    Benefits during leave

    Subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of the applicable plans, the Medical Center will continue to provide health, life and disability insurance benefits for the full period of approved paid Personal or Educational Leave.

    If the absence includes a period of leave without pay, the employee will be responsible for paying the entire cost of these benefit plans.

    Personal or Educational Leave absences will not count toward completion of the twelve (12) months of employment required under Medical Center Educational Assistance Program.

    PTO Accrual

    PTO accrual is suspended after four full pay periods of continuous paid leave.

    PTO accrual is also suspended during any period of leave of absence without pay.

    PTO accrual resumes upon return to active employment.

    Medical Center Leave Policy 600
  • Professional Research Staff

    Senior Professional Research Staff with an appointment of one year or more, or who have more than one year of consecutive service, are eligible to take educational leave to pursue new knowledge, techniques, and experiences that are judged by the Professional Research Staff member’s supervisor and dean to facilitate or enhance the Professional Research Staff member’s ability to contribute to the University.

    Professional Research Staff who receive external awards or fellowships that include financial support may request educational leave for the period of the award or fellowship.

    Because Postdoctoral Research Associates are engaged in a temporary, planned course of training, they are not eligible for educational leave.

    Educational leave may be approved as leave without pay or as leave with partial pay for up to two years. Requests for leave with partial pay which reduce the Professional Research Staff member’s effort to less than 25% (0.25 FTE) must be requested and approved in writing by the Professional Research Staff member’s supervisor and dean.

    How to Apply

    Professional Research Staff should work with their department to request Educational leave. The department will notify the HR Leave Team of any approvals so that the Professional Research Staff's status can be tracked in Workday. 

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefit premiums must be paid while on leave in order to continue your benefits. 

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."



    Professional Research Staff Policy

mother and baby

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The University complies with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2601 et seq., and Regulations 29 C.F.R Part 825).

Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) is a job-protected leave without pay for up to 12 work weeks (26 weeks for qualified Military caregiver leave). For Academic, Medical Center, UPG and Wise employees, entitlement is based on a rolling 12 month period.

FMLA Poster

  • Eligibility for all employees


    Academic Division or University Medical Center- Eligible employees must have been employed with UVA or the Medical Center for:

    • At least 12 months within the last 7 years
    • At least 1,250 hours during the 12 months before the start of leave

    UPG- Eligible employees must have been employed with UPG for:

    • At least 12 months within the last 7 years
    • At least 1,250 hours during the 12 months before the start of leave

    Qualifying Reasons specified in the FMLA include:

    • Birth of a child (to be taken within 12 months of the child’s birth)
    • Addition to the family through adoption or foster care (to be taken within 12 months of the child’s placement)
    • Care for a family member (child, spouse, or parent) with a serious health condition
    • A serious health condition that makes you unable to do your job, including work related injuries where time off is required for recovery or treatment.
    • Military leave for a qualified exigency or to care for a covered service member’s serious illness or injury. (You may be granted up to 26 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a covered military service member who sustained a serious injury or illness if you are the spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin.)
  • Classified and University Staff

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Follow departmental call out procedures until approved, keep your manager informed of your expected return to work date or any extensions you may require. 

    Contact UNUM to apply for FMLA via phone at 866.269.0979 or online via their website.  To apply online, you'll need to log in or register by clicking on the relevant link in the upper right corner of the website. 

    Intermittent FMLA

    If you have an intermittent leave, you must notify Unum within 7 calendar days each time you need to take intermittent leave. In addition you also need to follow the standard notification process in your department to notify your supervisor.

    If Unum is not notified within 7 days of using intermittent FMLA, your leave under FMLA may be delayed or denied. 

    UNUM tracks FMLA usage and notifies your supervisor listed in Workday of any approvals. Tracking of Intermittent FMLA is not required by departments; however, employees may mention their time off request is for FMLA in comments. UNUM will still need to approve the time as FMLA. 

    Pay while on Leave

    Input any Paid Time Off to receive pay before other benefits are approved or in cases where benefits will not be applicable. 

    Non-Exempt employees submit your timecard for the pay period in which you are going on leave and when you return from leave. During your approved leave period, you will not need to submit a timecard.

    Pay on FMLA is through your own Paid Time Off, Short Term Disability benefits (if you are eligible and qualify),  Paid Parental Leave (if you are eligible and qualify), or Workers Compensation benefits (if approved).

    You should contact your Short Term Disability vendor as soon as possible, if your benefits are not managed by UNUM. Employees in the VRS Virginia Sickness and Disability Plan (VSDP) contact Alight at 877-928-7021.


    Disability Benefits

    Becoming a Parent

    Workers Compensation

    Leave Donations

    Employees in the VSDP are only eligible for donations of Annual Leave when they are approved for FMLA to care for an ill family member.

    Employees in the Traditional (Personal) Sick Plan, may also receive Annual Leave donations for leave related to their own illness. 

    Classified employees may donate Annual Leave to University Staff employees approved for FMLA to care for an ill family member. 

    Donations would only be applied when an employee has exhausted all of their own paid time off options. 

    To apply, complete the leave sharing recipient application. Once received the leave team will confirm approval of the leave. Once the leave is approved, the team send instructions about the donation process to the employee and their manager. 

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Classified Staff: Annual accrual stops on any periods of LWOP or after 90 days on leave and resume upon your return to work. VSDP Family Personal and Sick Leave balances will not be replenished until you return to work, if you are on leave beyond the end of the Leave Year. 

    University Staff: Accruals continue while on FMLA

  • Faculty

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Contact UNUM to apply for FMLA via phone at 866.269.0979 or online via their website.  To apply online, you'll need to log in or register by clicking on the relevant link in the upper right corner of the website. 

    Intermittent FMLA

    If you have an intermittent leave, you must notify Unum within 7 calendar days each time you need to take intermittent leave. In addition you also need to follow the standard notification process in your department to notify your supervisor.

    If Unum is not notified within 7 days of using intermittent FMLA, your leave under FMLA may be delayed or denied. 

    UNUM tracks FMLA usage and notifies your supervisor listed in Workday of any approvals. Tracking of Intermittent FMLA is not required by departments; however,  employees should mention when calling out that their time off request is for FMLA. UNUM will still need to approve the time as FMLA. 

    Pay while on Leave

    Pay on FMLA may be through your 22 Annual Days, Short Term Disability benefits (if you are eligible and qualify),  Paid Parental Leave (if you are eligible and qualify), or Workers Compensation benefits (if approved).

    You should contact your Short Term Disability vendor as soon as possible.

    UNUM manages disability benefits for Faculty in the ORP retirement plan.

    Faculty in the VRS Virginia Sickness and Disability Plan (VSDP) contact Alight at 877-928-7021.

    Paid Parental Leave is managed by your department. The department should notify the HR Leave Team of any approvals for Parental Leave.


    Disability Benefits

    Becoming a Parent

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

  • Professional Research Staff

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Contact UNUM to apply for FMLA via phone at 866.269.0979 or online via their website.  To apply online, you'll need to log in or register by clicking on the relevant link in the upper right corner of the website. 

    Intermittent FMLA

    If you have an intermittent leave, you must notify Unum within 7 calendar days each time you need to take intermittent leave. In addition you also need to follow the standard notification process in your department to notify your supervisor.

    If Unum is not notified within 7 days of using intermittent FMLA, your leave under FMLA may be delayed or denied. 

    UNUM tracks FMLA usage and notifies your supervisor listed in Workday of any approvals. Tracking of Intermittent FMLA is not required by departments; however,  employees should mention when calling out that their time off request is for FMLA. UNUM will still need to approve the time as FMLA. 

    Pay while on Leave

    Pay on FMLA may be through Short Term Disability benefits (if you are eligible and qualify),  Paid Parental Leave (if you are eligible and qualify), or Workers Compensation benefits (if approved

    You should contact your Short Term Disability vendor as soon as possible.

    UNUM manages disability benefits for Professional Research Staff in the ORP retirement plan.

    Professional Research Staff in the VRS Virginia Sickness and Disability Plan (VSDP) contact Alight at 877-928-7021.

    Paid Parental Leave is managed by your department. The department should notify the HR Leave Team of any approvals for Parental Leave.


    Disability Benefits

    Becoming a Parent

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

  • University Medical Center Team Members

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Follow departmental call out procedures until approved, keep your manager informed of your expected return to work date or any extensions you may require. 

    Contact UNUM to apply for FMLA via phone at 866.269.0979 or online via their website.  To apply online, you'll need to log in or register by clicking on the relevant link in the upper right corner of the website. 

    Intermittent FMLA

    If you have an intermittent leave, you must notify Unum within 7 calendar days each time you need to take intermittent leave. In addition you also need to follow the standard notification process in your department to notify your supervisor.

    If Unum is not notified within 7 days of using intermittent FMLA, your leave under FMLA may be delayed or denied. 

    UNUM tracks FMLA usage and notifies your supervisor listed in Workday of any approvals. You should notify your supervisor that the reason for your call out is related to your FMLA approval. 

    UNUM emails approvals to your manager on file in Workday. Managers or time keepers should enter the LV-FMLA unpaid code in Kronos along with any Paid Time Off for the missed time outside of any approval of paid benefits such as Short Term Disability or Paid Parental Leave.

    Pay while on Leave

    Input any Paid Time Off to receive pay before other benefits are approved or in cases where benefits will not be applicable. 

    Non-Exempt employees submit your timecard for the pay period in which you are going on leave and when you return from leave. During your approved leave period, you will not need to submit a timecard.

    Pay on FMLA is through your own Paid Time Off, Short Term Disability benefits (if you are eligible and qualify),  Paid Parental Leave (if you are eligible and qualify), or Workers Compensation benefits (if approved).

    Note that University Medical Center team members are required to use PTO for periods of FMLA only outside of the Short Term Disability elimination period per the Medical Center Leaves of Absence Policy. 


    Disability Benefits

    Becoming a Parent

    Workers Compensation

    PTO Donations

    Team Members approved for FMLA may apply for PTO Donations. 

    Donations would only be applied when an employee has exhausted all of their own paid time off options. 

    To apply, team members should complete the PTO Donation Request Form. Once received the leave team will confirm approval of the leave. Once the leave is approved, the team send instructions about the donation process to the employee and their manager. 

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Paid Time Off Accruals stop when on any period of LWOP or after being on paid leave for four full consecutive pay period. Accruals resume when employees return to work. 

  • University Physicians Group (UPG)

    Please contact Guardian, UPG’s third party vendor, to submit FMLA claims. Your information will be verified by a leave claims analyst who will answer any questions you may have. You will be notified of the status of your FMLA claim once it has been processed, and a copy of the initial request and decision will be sent to your supervisor.

    *You will need to create a User ID with Guardian if you haven’t done so before, using UPG’s Group Number #00035294 and your UPG Employee ID, which is the 9-digit number on the back of your ID badge or in listed Workday (not your SSN).  This will take you to all your benefits you are enrolled in with Guardian through UPG, as well as the site to start your leave claim.

    When absence from work is foreseeable, an employee must provide at least 30 days’ notice before taking leave. When a 30 day notice is not possible, the employee must provide notice as soon as practical and follow normal procedures to notify the supervisor of their absence from work.

    For more information on a UPG Leave of Absence, please email:  UPG_FMLA@uvahealth.org or go to the UPG go to the UPG Benefits page.

Medical Leave

  • Classified Staff and University Staff

    If academic staff are ineligible for FMLA, but need to be out due to their own health condition, they may contact UNUM to apply for Medical Leave which would track their absence in Workday for any impacts on benefits. 

    While Medical Leave does not provide the same job protection as FMLA, some accompanying circumstances can provide job protection. For instance Short Term Disability and a leave of absence due to pregnancy provide job protection. 

    This leave can only be approved on a continuous basis and for your own health condition. 

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Follow departmental call out procedures until approved, keep your manager informed of your expected return to work date or any extensions you may require. 

    Contact UNUM to apply for leave via phone at 866.269.0979 or online via their website. To apply online, you'll need to log in or register by clicking on the relevant link in the upper right corner of the website. 

    Pay while on Leave

    Input any Paid Time Off to receive pay before other benefits are approved or in cases where benefits will not be applicable. 

    Non-Exempt employees submit your timecard for the pay period in which you are going on leave and when you return from leave. During your approved leave period, you will not need to submit a timecard.

    Pay on Medical Leave is through your own Paid Time Off, Short Term Disability benefits (if you are eligible and qualify),  Paid Parental Leave (if you are eligible and qualify), or Workers Compensation benefits (if approved).

    You should contact your Short Term Disability vendor as soon as possible, if your benefits are not managed by UNUM. Employees in the VRS Virginia Sickness and Disability Plan (VSDP) contact Alight at 877-928-7021.


    Disability Benefits

    Becoming a Parent

    Workers Compensation

    Leave Donations

    Employees in the VSDP are not eligible for donations when on leave for their own illness or injury. 

    Employees in the Traditional (Personal) Sick Plan, may also receive Annual Leave donations for leave related to their own illness. 

    Classified employees may donate Annual Leave to University Staff employees approved for FMLA to care for an ill family member and vice versa. Donations cannot be made to and from the Academic, Medical, or UPG divisions. 

    Donations would only be applied when an employee has exhausted all of their own paid time off options. 

    To apply, complete the leave sharing recipient application. Once received the leave team will confirm approval of the leave. Once the leave is approved, the team send instructions about the donation process to the employee and their manager. 

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Classified Staff: Annual accrual stops on any periods of LWOP or after 90 days on leave and resume upon your return to work. VSDP Family Personal and Sick Leave balances will not be replenished until you return to work, if you are on leave beyond the end of the Leave Year. 

    University Staff: Accruals continue while on Medical Leave

  • University Medical Center Team Members

    Medical Leave may be approved by UNUM if a team member is ineligible for FMLA but has a qualifying health condition. 

    While Medical Leave does not carry the same job protection as FMLA, leave related to a pregnancy does have job protections.

    In addition, before any adverse action is taken for a team member out on a Medical Leave, the department works with HR and reaches out to the employee about what any next steps would be. 

    Medical Leave is only for a continuous absence. If you have a medical condition that requires intermittent absences, but you don't qualify for FMLA, please work with your supervisor and HR Business Partner or Employee Relations Consultant to determine if any accommodations can be made. 

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Follow departmental call out procedures until approved, keep your manager informed of your expected return to work date or any extensions you may require. 

    Contact UNUM to apply for Medical Leave via phone at 866.269.0979 or online via their website. To apply online, you'll need to log in or register by clicking on the relevant link in the upper right corner of the website. 

    Pay while on Leave

    Input any Paid Time Off to receive pay before other benefits are approved or in cases where benefits will not be applicable. 

    Non-Exempt employees submit your timecard for the pay period in which you are going on leave and when you return from leave. During your approved leave period, you will not need to submit a timecard.

    Pay on Medical Leave is through your own Paid Time Off, Short Term Disability benefits (if you are eligible and qualify),  Paid Parental Leave (if you are eligible and qualify), or Workers Compensation benefits (if approved)..


    Disability Benefits

    Becoming a Parent

    Workers Compensation

    PTO Donations

    Team Members approved for Medical Leave may apply for PTO Donations. 

    Donations would only be applied when an employee has exhausted all of their own paid time off options. 

    To apply, team members should complete the PTO Donation Request Form. Once received the leave team will confirm approval of the leave. Once the leave is approved, the team send instructions about the donation process to the employee and their manager. 

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Paid Time Off Accruals stop when on any period of LWOP or after being on paid leave for four full consecutive pay period. Accruals resume when employees return to work. 

  • University of Virginia Physicians Group

    The University of Virginia Physicians Group may grant a medical leave of absence to employees who need to take time off from work duties due to personal illness or disability, and are not eligible for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Approval of Medical Leave is discretionary. Please see this policy for details.

    UPG employees on FMLA are required to use accrued PTO to cover the absence. When PTO is exhausted, an employee on approved FMLA will be placed on leave without pay. When the absence is an approved short-term disability, STD benefits provide 70% income replacement.

    For more details, see:

Military HR colleagues collage

Military Leave

  • Classified and University Staff

    UVA shall grant a military leave of absence to team members who are absent from work for military service or training in the Uniformed Services, in accordance with federal and state law.

    How to Apply

    Contact UNUM at 866.269.0979 to apply for Military Leave. 

    Pay Options for Military Leave

    • Up to 21 workdays in a federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30).
    • Additional 8 hours for pre-induction and other physical examinations required for military service.
    • If an employee is called to Active Duty and is on Military Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and their gross military salary plus allowances is less than their base UVA salary, they are eligible to receive the Active Military Supplement. To receive the supplemental pay, an employee will need to provide the military Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) for the period of absence to the UVA Human Resource Solution Center.
    • If an employee is on Military Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and is not receiving supplemental pay, they can use their own time off to receive pay for that period. 

    Please refer to the applicable leave policy for further details and circumstances related to Military Leave and pay.

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Classified Staff: Annual accrual stops on any periods of LWOP or after 90 days on leave and resume upon your return to work. VSDP Family Personal and Sick Leave balances will not be replenished until you return to work, if you are on leave beyond the end of the Leave Year. 

    University Staff: Accruals continue while on Military Leave.


    DHRM Military Leave Policy 4.50
  • Faculty

    Faculty called to military duty will be placed on leave without pay. If the faculty member is a 12 month employee, he/she may take any available annual leave before being moved to an unpaid status.

    Paid leaves of absence for military duty (limited to 21 working days / federal fiscal year), include training time and active service.

    Contact UNUM at 866.269.0979 to apply for Military Leave. 

    Faculty Military Leave Policy
  • Medical Center Team Members

    The Medical Center shall grant a military leave of absence to team members who are absent from work for military service or training in the Uniformed Services, in accordance with federal and state law.

    How to Apply

    Notify your supervisor of the need to for leave as soon as possible, preferably 30 days in advance for known leave dates.

    Follow departmental call out procedures until approved, keep your manager informed of your expected return to work date or any extensions you may require. 

    Contact UNUM to apply for Military Leave via phone at 866.269.0979 or online via their website. To apply online, you'll need to log in or register by clicking on the relevant link in the upper right corner of the website. 

    Pay Options for Military Leave

    • Up to 21 (168 hours) workdays in a federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30). This is input into Kronos by your manager or timekeeper. If exhausted, employees may use their own PTO. 
    • Additional 8 hours for pre-induction and other physical examinations required for military service.
    • If an employee is called to Active Duty and is on Military Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and their gross military salary plus allowances is less than their base UVA salary, they are eligible to receive the Active Military Supplement. To receive the supplemental pay, an employee will need to provide the military Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) for the period of absence to the UVA Human Resource Solution Center.
    • If an employee is on Military Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and is not receiving supplemental pay, they can use their own time off to receive pay for that period. 

    Please refer to the applicable leave policy for further details and circumstances related to Military Leave and pay.

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Paid Time Off Accruals stop when on any period of LWOP or after being on paid leave for four full consecutive pay period. Accruals resume when employees return to wo

    Medical Center Military Leave Policy
  • University of Virginia Physician Group

    UPG will comply with the requirements of USERRA. In the event that you need to be away from work for active military duty, please contact RBENEFITS@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu.


    UPG Benefits

Paid Parental Leave

The UVA Academic division and University Medical Center provide Paid Parental Leave for benefited employees. 

Please see our "Planning for Becoming A Parent" web page for information about leave options and benefits when welcoming a new addition to your family. 

Personal Leave

  • Classified and University Staff

    Personal Leave may be granted, at the discretion of the department, for continuous absences when not addressed by other available leave types. 

    Employees may be allowed to take Personal Leave with or without pay at the University's discretion. Please note that pay for this leave type would come from the employee's own Paid Time Off.

    How to Apply

    Personal Leave will be approved by your department. If approved, the supervisor or HR Business Partner should notify the HR Leave Team of the approval dates, type of leave, and any conditions.

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    Employees on Personal LWOP will owe both the Employer and Employee benefit premiums. 

    PTO Accruals

    Classified Staff: Annual accrual stops on any periods of LWOP or after 90 days on leave and resume upon your return to work. VSDP Family Personal and Sick Leave balances will not be replenished until you return to work, if you are on leave beyond the end of the Leave Year. 

    University Staff: Accruals continue while on Personal Leave; however, accruals may be impacted for a leave lasting 6 months or longer. 

  • Faculty

    A faculty member who is tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure-track with an appointment of one year or more, may request leave for personal reasons other than those already specified.

    How to Apply

    Faculty members should work with their department to request Personal Leave. The department will notify the HR Leave Team of any approvals so that the faculty member's status can be tracked in Workday. 

    Length of Leave

    Personal leave may be granted (with partial pay or without pay) for up to 2 years.

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the employee premiums for your benefits. For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    Faculty Leave Policy HRM-038
  • Medical Center Team Members

    Personal Leave for Medical Center Team members can be granted with approval of the supervisor for a variety of reasons. 

    Requests for leave will be evaluated based on a number of factors, including anticipated workload requirements and staffing considerations during the proposed period of absence.

    Personal Leave does not carry the same job protection as FMLA.

    However, before any adverse action is taken for a team member out on a Personal Leave, the department should notify the team member that they may not be able to hold their position for the duration of the leave. The department should also reach out to the team member about any next steps would be if they need to fill the position.  

    Personal Leave is only for a continuous absence.

    How to Apply

    In order to apply for Personal Leave, team members should submit the Personal Leave Request Form to their supervisor as soon as eligible employees become aware of the need for Personal Leave.

    Pay While on Leave

    Personal Leave is an unpaid leave; however, per PTO Policy 315 team member must exhaust their own PTO before becoming eligible for Leave Without Pay. 

    Benefits while on Leave

    Benefits will continue during your leave of absence unless you request to waive benefits for a period of unpaid absence.

    If you wish to waive your benefits while you’re on leave, you must do so within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave of absence. The coverage changes will be effective the first of the month following receipt of your request if received within 60 days of the commencement of your unpaid leave date. You must make your request to askhr@virginia.edu with the subject “LWOP Benefits Waiver."

    If you are on any period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP), you will owe the Employer and Employee premiums for your benefits.

    For unpaid absences less than sixty days, benefits will be held in arrears and taken from the next check where pay is received. For unpaid absences over 60 days, employees will receive an invoice for premiums due.

    PTO Accruals

    Paid Time Off Accruals stop when on any period of LWOP or after being on paid leave for four full consecutive pay period. Accruals resume when employees return to work.

    PTO Donations

    If an employee is on an approved leave of absence for their own health (FMLA or Medical Leave) or to care for an ill family member (FMLA or Personal Leave) and they are near exhausting their own Paid Time Off, they can apply for PTO Donations. Employee's will complete the PTO Donation request form 

    If an employee is on leave and unable to complete the form, their manager may complete the form on their behalf. 

    Once the HR Leave Team has the form and the leave approval, we'll send instructions for the donation process to the employee and manager.

    Employee's wishing to donate to eligible recipients can submit a PTO Donation form


    Medical Center Leave Policy 600

farzaneh Milani at desk with books in background

Sabbatical Leave

  • Faculty

    Sabbatical leave is offered on a limited basis for faculty (academic, administrative, and professional) to invigorate their research and teaching. Each school offering a sabbatical program shall maintain a written policy explaining the elements of its program, including conditions of eligibility, criteria and mechanism of selection, application procedure,  annual schedule of decision-making, reporting requirements, and provisions (if any) for deferring sabbatical leave.

    Getting Approval

    Sabbatical leave may be approved for full-time teaching faculty (tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure-track). This is usually to recognize faculty members who have contributed significantly to academic administration, have been appointed to an endowed professorship, or who have offered extraordinary service to the University at the department, school, or institutional level. For example, the winner of the Alumni Board of Trustees Teaching Award for tenure-track faculty members receives sabbatical leave as part of that award.

    Faculty awarded sabbatical leave can be compensated one semester at full salary or two semesters at half salary. During sabbatical leave, all full-time benefits remain. UVA continues to make contributions to retirement, health, life insurance, and disability plans.