Crucial Influence (In-Person)
What if the key to solving your toughest challenges was understanding why people do what they do—and how to inspire lasting change?
Advocating For Your Career (Virtual)
Do you ever find that performance reviews catch you off guard, leaving you struggling to recall your recent accomplishments?
Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue Healthcare Program (In-Person)
Dialogue is the difference. Master the art of meaningful conversations with Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue.
Giving and Receiving Feedback (Virtual)
Discuss the common barriers in giving positive and constructive feedback to others.
How to Create a Culture of Appreciation and Celebrate Your Team (Manager Series)
Intro to Strengths: Unlock your Potential (Career Convos Series)
What's Age Got To Do With It: Generations Differences (In-Person)
Have you noticed the changing demographics of your workplace? Do you find yourself saying, "This generation..."? Are you discussing the stereotypes? If so, this course aims to build a deeper understanding of the various generations in today’s workforce.
Canva Essentials: Elevating Your Presentation Design (Virtual)
In this hands-on course, we’ll dive into using Canva to create engaging, aesthetically pleasing designs and presentations tailored to your brand.
Decision-Making: How to Make Better Choices (Virtual)
In the dynamic landscape of professional environments, the ability to make sound decisions is a critical skill that directly influences success.
Demystifying Executive Presence (In-Person)
We’ve all known leaders who can walk into a room and command attention and respect.