Earn While You Learn

Earn While You Learn

Join a culture that encourages growth, teamwork, diversity, pride, efficiency, and exceptional patient care. Whether you are starting your very first job or want to start a new career in healthcare, the Earn While You Learn training programs could be the place for you.

Minimum requirements are a high school diploma or GED; no experience is required. Our programs provide structured coursework and on-the-job training plus full-time benefits while training. If you are seeking a career that is rewarding, makes a difference, and is part of UVA Health, join one of the nation’s premier academic health systems.

We are receiving large numbers of applications and huge interest in programs!  This is very exciting to see. We highly value your interest.  Please know our capacity is limited based on how many job vacancies we have, class size limitations, and preceptor availability.  We sincerely hope we can accommodate you in one of these opportunities but do ask for your patience, as space is limited.  

Upcoming Information Sessions:

Entry-Level Programs

  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

    Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) - Learn more and apply

    Next hire date: June 2025

    Typical course size: 24

    Training time: Three months

    What is an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)?

    The EMT is a person who is trained to give basic emergency medical care. This has historically been in an ambulance. We are now using EMTs more in hospitals to help provide care to our patients.

    Is there a career path for EMTs?

    While you can work your entire career as an EMT, some choose to continue their education. There are a number of options for the EMT such as advanced EMT, paramedic, and critical care paramedic. Others find this introduction to healthcare leads them to careers in nursing, radiology technology, respiratory therapy, or other roles in the hospital setting.

    How does this work:

    Trainees are hired with no prior experience other than high school diploma or equivalent. UVA will pay you a full-time salary, your benefits, and expenses for your training. Our benefits package equals about 30% of your salary! UVA asks for one-year commitment from those we train.

    The EMT course is included in your work hours. Half of your week will be spent in the EMT course or completing related assignments. The other half of your week will be in rotations through a variety of departments including the emergency department, medical transport network, intensive care units, radiology, and psychiatry. The goal is to broaden your educational experience and provide insight areas you may work upon completion.

    Where do EMTs work at UVA:

    There are a number of places EMTs can work within the University Medical Center.  However, those completing the Earn While You Learn program will most likely work in the Medical Transport Network or the Emergency Department for the first year. 

    Course Details:

    Emergency Medical Technicians provide out-of-hospital medical care, and transportation to patients who are experiencing emergency events. The UVA Life Support Learning Center (LSLC) provides EMT education based upon the national standards derived from the U.S. Department of transportation and is overseen by the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services.  As part of the Earn While You Learn program, candidates will be enrolled in an EMT program that is three months in duration.

    The EMT course is fairly rigorous, with tests and quizzes requiring students maintain to maintain passing grade averages.  There is additional study and homework needed for success that will require the trainee to complete without pay.

    At the end of three months, you will be prepared to begin your career caring for the ill and injured at the top level-one Trauma Center at UVA’s Emergency Department, or responding to medical emergencies in the community on one of our Medic V ambulances.

    Training Includes:

    • Basic anatomy and physiology
    • Introductory medical, legal, and ethical knowledge
    • Patient assessment
    • Skill and knowledge development to safely deliver emergency care to patients across the life span: Infant to senior citizens
    • Skill-building to stabilize and safely transport patients
    • Immobilization and splinting of injured extremities and bleeding control
    • Basic pharmacology that includes medication administration in certain specific circumstances
    • Mass casualty and disaster management
    • Scene safety and personal protection
    • Written and oral communication in the clinical context

    Methods of instruction:

    • Virtual didactic education via the Jones and Bartlett education platform
    • In-person lab and skill building sessions using a 1:6 instructor to student ratio
    • In-person patient care training using high fidelity mannequins and a 1:2 instructor to student ratio
  • Phlebotomy/Clinical Lab Assistant (CLA) Trainee

    Phlebotomy/Clinical Lab Assistant (CLA) Trainee - Learn more and apply

    Next hire date: October 2025

    Typical Course Size: 8

    Training Time: 16 weeks

    The EWYL Phlebotomy/ Clinical Lab Assistant (CLA) program is a hybrid program that provides classroom and experiential training for two essential laboratory support areas: Phlebotomy and Specimen Management. This training program qualifies trainees for the Clinical Lab Assistant role with additional work experience. Upon program completion, trainees will work as Phlebotomists or Specimen Management Technicians.

    As part of the Earn While You Learn program, candidates will enroll in a four-month program that offers the Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) Phlebotomy course, including a nationally recognized certification exam, and an in-house training program.

    What is a “Phlebotomist?”

    A phlebotomist performs a procedure in which a needle punctures a vein (venipuncture) to withdraw blood, usually for laboratory testing to screen for, diagnose, and monitor patient health conditions. The procedure includes receiving orders for lab work from our computer system, collecting, labeling, and processing lab samples with accuracy, and preparing lab samples for transport to the laboratory for testing. This patient-facing laboratory role is necessary for our hospitals and ambulatory clinics. You will work closely with patients and interdisciplinary healthcare providers to provide the best patient experience.

    What is a “Specimen Management Technician?”

    Specimen Management Technicians receive all specimens submitted to the UVA laboratories and any referral laboratories for testing or analysis. For each specimen received, specimen management technicians verify and enter lab orders in the lab information system to generate a unique identifying number that will accompany the specimen through all phases of testing or analysis and allow for specimen tracking through the laboratories. Specimen Management Technicians assess pre-analytical variables such as proper specimen type and quantity, and process, aliquot, and package specimens for transport and laboratory testing. 

    Where do the laboratory support roles work at UVA?

    Phlebotomists work in the inpatient setting and several ambulatory sites. The pace is busy in both settings. Specimen Management Technicians work in the Clinical Laboratories.


    Is there a career path for these laboratory support roles?

    For many, Phlebotomist and Specimen Management Technician role may be a long-term career path. For others it can be the first step as they continue their training and education to be become a Clinical Lab Assistant, Medical Lab Assistant, Medical Laboratory Technologist, or even a Medical Laboratory Scientist. Others find this introduction to healthcare leads them to careers in nursing, radiology technology, respiratory therapy, or other roles in the hospital setting.

    How does this work:

    Trainees are hired with no prior experience other than a high school diploma or equivalent. UVA will pay you a full-time salary, benefits, and training expenses. Our benefits package equals about 30% of your salary! UVA asks for a 1-year commitment from those we train. Upon hire, trainees will choose the Phlebotomy or Specimen Management Track.

    The Phlebotomy Track includes a PVCC Phlebotomy course and eight weeks of clinical training in the Phlebotomy Department. Trainees on this track will work as phlebotomists.

    The Specimen Management Track will build on an 8-week Phlebotomy course PVCC offers with an in-house training program. Upon successful program completion, trainees in this track will work as Specimen Management Technicians.

    Course and Training Details:

    UVA is partnering with PVCC to provide an 8-week Phlebotomy course. Classes are taught in person at PVCC, on-line, and include clinical days at UVA Phlebotomy sites. You will have an exam upon completion of the PVCC Phlebotomy course.


    • If you do not have a computer—this is not a problem. Please let us know, and arrangements can be made to help you access one during the program.
    • You will spend 3 of 5 work days at PVCC for instructional learning, controlled phlebotomy practice in the classroom, and self-guided study. You will spend the remaining 2 days rotating through the Phlebotomy and laboratory areas to gain experience.
    • The Phlebotomy course will prepare trainees for a nationally recognized Phlebotomy certification exam.


    After the phlebotomy course, trainees will continue training on their chosen track for eight additional weeks.


    • Trainees in the Phlebotomy Track will continue training in the Phlebotomy Department to obtain comprehensive phlebotomy competencies.
    • Trainees in the Specimen Management Track will begin the in-house training program, which includes classroom didactic learning, simulation lab training, and experiential training in the laboratory setting.







  • Medical Assistant Training Program

    Medical Assistant Trainee - Learn more and apply

    Next hire date: June 2025

    Typical Course Size:  20

    Training time: 12 weeks

    Work for the #1 hospital in VA -- University of Virginia Medical Center. We are hiring into our exciting Earn While You Learn program where you will be trained to become an outpatient Medical Assistant. As part of the Earn While you learn program, candidates will be enrolled in a nine-week program with training and experiences that will allow you to work at UVA Medical Center clinics alongside the best nurses, doctors, and clinic support staff.

    What is a Certified Medical Assistant?

    The CMA role is one of the newer roles in health care. The role works in the ambulatory setting or diagnostic areas such as radiology.

    They assist with medical care ranging from getting a patient’s history and taking vital signs to a number of tasks such as getting EKGs, assisting with exams, administering medications, and other more. This role may also assist with administrative tasks in the medical office setting. They perform a wide range of duties under the supervision of a health care provider.

    Is there a career path for Certified Medical Assistants?

    Many will work their career as CMA. Others find this introduction to healthcare leads them to careers in nursing, radiology technology, respiratory therapy, or other roles in the hospital setting.

    How does this work:

    Trainees are hired with no prior experience other than high school diploma or equivalent. UVA will pay you a full-time salary, your benefits, and expenses for your training. Our benefits package equals about 30% of your salary! UVA asks for 1-year commitment from those we train.

    Where do CMAs work at UVA:

    There are a number of places CMAs can work whether they go through the Earn While You Learn program or have taken the CMA course on their own.

    These areas include:

    • Ambulatory Care Units 
    • Radiology

    Course Details:

    • Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) provides our CMA course for the Earn While You Learn Program.
    • You can expect to spend some time at PVCC for class and skills.
    • You will also rotate through ambulatory clinic sites to observe and gain more experience that will help you build knowledge and confidence.
    • A number of the lectures are provided virtually. You may be in a group setting watching these via computer. There will be other tasks that require you to have a computer. If you do not have a computer, please let us know and we will work with you to have access.
    • Upon completion there is a certification exam that UVA will cover the costs.
    • You will work with our team to find your permanent job upon class completion. There are many options to choose from!
  • Patient Care Technician (PCT)

    Nurse Assistant Trainee (PCT) - Learn more and apply

    Next hire date: June 2025

    Typical Course Size: 20

    Training time: 6-8 weeks

    What is a Patient Care Technician (PCT)? 

    A PCT is an entry level member of the patient's healthcare team.  They provide important patient-centered care and tasks under the supervision of a nurse or physician.  Our PCTs are integral to the care of our patients. 

    As a PCT you will respond to patient calls and requests, assist patients with personal hygiene, and provided emotional support to patients and families.  You will be responsible for admission and discharge of patients, room set up, transferring, and ambulating patients.  In addition, you will perform skills such as simple wound care, removing peripheral IVs, performing EKGS, bladder scans, and other therapies.  

    How is a PCT different thana Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)?

    PCTs can expect to perform many of the same job duties as a CNA.  PCTs have more advanced training than a CNA so they can perform advanced skills or procedures as well as operate advanced medical monitoring equipment.  

    At UVA, PCTS can:

    • Use mobility equipment to mobilize patients
    • Remove peripheral IVs
    • Perform simple dressing changes
    • Provide ostomy care and change ostomy appliances
    • Perform bladder scans
    • Remove indwelling urinary catheters
    • Perform EKGs
    • Perform vascular checks using a doppler

    Is there a career path for PCTs?

    Many find this introduction to healthcare leads them to careers in nursing, radiology technology, respiratory therapy, or other roles in the hospital setting.

    Where do PCTs work at UVA?

    PCTs are essential to the care of our patients.  Positions are available in many patient care areas including inpatient, procedural, and ambulatory areas.

    Course Details:

    • UVA is working with Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) to provide the PCT course.  Classes are taught in person at PVCC, on-line, and clinical days at UVA main hospital.  
    • If you do not have a computer--this is not a problem.  We will help find a solution for this just let us know.
    • Hours for training will primarily Monday-Friday day shift.  However, after training trainees must anticipate full-time placements in clinical care departments will require shirt rotations (day, evening, and nights), weekends, and holidays.  
    • A "clinical Day" is where you, your fellow trainees, and your instructor actually take care of patients on a UVA patient care unit. 
    • When your course is complete you will need to take a test to receive your PCT certification. All training and testing fees are paid by UVA.  
  • Pharmacy Technician

    Training Time: 9-12 months
    Hiring: Ongoing

    The UVA Pharmacy Technician Training Program is an ASHP/ACPE accredited program. The program is to prepare current and aspiring pharmacy technicians with standardized training that meets state requirements to practice as a pharmacy technician. In addition, this program is to prepare technicians for any state or national certification exam.

    Training includes: Online classroom training through Pharmacy Technician University, Experiential training in our state-of-the-art pharmacy, Preparation for passing the national certification exam. Candidates accepting a position will continue in their role as a pharmacy technician after completing the program and achieving their Virginia registration.

    The program is a 426.5 hour program that can be completed within 9-12 months, however candidates have a maximum of 2 years to complete the program and pass the PTCE exam. The didactic portion of the program is completed online, is self-paced, and contains graded quizzes, unit exams, midterm, and final exam. The simulation portion of the program is observed and graded by local instructors.  The experiential portion of the program is completed at designated pharmacy sites with an assigned preceptor. 

    Hours Breakdown:

    • Didactic: 136.9 hours
    • Simulation: 65.6 hours
    • Experiential: 224 hours        

    Admission’s Requirements:

    It is our goal for each student to succeed throughout the training program and into their career. To ensure the success of our students, they must meet the following minimum qualifications to enroll in the program: 

    • Possess a high school diploma or the equivalent.
    • Have English language and math proficiency sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the pharmacy technician job responsibilities, demonstrated by passing the TRC Reading Comprehension and Math Assessments in three attempts or less.  A minimum score of 70% is required for each assessment.
    • Pass a screening pertaining to any illicit drug use and a criminal record background check.
    • Comply with immunization requirements of experiential sites and employers. 
    • Meet state-specific age requirements for employment of pharmacy technicians. 
    • Meet state-specific requirements as regulated by the State Board of Pharmacy. 
    • Meet employer-specific requirements, if applicable. 

    *Note:  Any applicant needing special accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact your Program Director.

    The Program Director has final approval of applicants’ qualifications for acceptance into the training program.

    How to Apply:

    Please search and apply for job openings for "Pharmacy Technician 1."

    Positions are listed in job openings as they are needed.  If you don't find a "Pharmacy Technician 1" listing in your search, there may be no vacancies at that time.  Please check back as these will become available at future dates.

    You may search and apply for openings for Pharmacy Technician 1

    roles on the career website for the University of Virginia.  Please be sure to include a cover letter outlining why you are interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician and an updated resume.

    UVA Health Careers website

    Contact Information: 

    UVA Health Department of Pharmacy Services 
    1240 Lee Street 
    Charlottesville, VA 22903 

    Program Director:

    Timony Couturier, CPhT
    Email: tan4z@uvahealth.org
    Phone: 434.982.2626

    Chief Pharmacy Officer:

    Danielle Griggs, PharmD, MBA, MS

    How do I get my Pharmacy Technician license in Virginia?

    1. Successfully complete a VA Board of Pharmacy approved training program
    2. Register and pay for the National Exam
    3. Take and pass the National exam
    4. Complete an online Virginia Pharmacy Technician Registration Application

    Effective July 1, 2022 the Virginia Board of Pharmacy mandated that a pharmacy technician applicant must complete a pharmacy technician training program that is

    1) jointly accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), or 2) an accredited training program operated through the Department of Education’s (DOE) Career and Technical Education program, or 3) a program operated through a federal agency or branch of the military, or 4) a program accredited by an accreditation body approved by the board.  Please note that the DOE has indicated that it intends to require joint accreditation through ASHP and ACPE, and to date, the Board has not approved another accreditation body.

    License and Registration Requirements and Fees:

    *All costs listed below are out of pocket for pharmacy technician candidates. The exam fee required for National Certification may be eligible for reimbursement through UVA Health’s tuition and education benefits (must pass exam).

    Pharmacy Technician Trainees: Persons enrolled in a pharmacy technician training program must obtain a pharmacy technician trainee registration if they will be performing the duties of a pharmacy technician. Registration is valid for two years. Registration applications can be found on the Virginia Board of Pharmacy website.

    Pharmacy Technician Trainee Registration:

    Application fee: $20

    Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT): The UVA Pharmacy Technician Training Program is recognized by the ASHP/ACHE. The pharmacy technician applicant will receive a diploma at the end of the program, and will then be eligible to sit for a National Exam to achieve “certified pharmacy technician” status. Two exams are recognized for board licensure; the PTCE, and the ExCPT. More information about the exams can be found below.

    Upon passing a national exam, candidates must complete the final step of the process to practice as a pharmacy technician in Virginia. Candidates must register for a Virginia Pharmacy Technician License. Click here for more information.

    Pharmacy Technician Registration:

    Initial application fee: $35
    Annual renewal fee: $35

  • Sterile Processing Technician

    Sterile Processing Technician-Learn more and apply

    Training Time: Approximately 6-9 months

    Hire Date:  June 2025

    Typical Course Size: 6-8

    Sterile Processing Technicians play a major role in our Medical Center operations.  These specialized healthcare professionals decontaminate, sterilize, inspect, and assemble reusable surgical instruments and healthcare devices.  This role requires a very detail-oriented person as principles of infection control, sterilization and packaging of surgical equipment, record keeping, quality control practices, inventory management, and specific knowledge of medical instruments/devices is vital to patient safety.

    Training on site at UVA Medical Center includes many hours of classroom education plus 400 hours of documented clinical experience.  Upon completion certification exam will be required. 

Advanced Programs

Our Earn While You Learn Advanced Programs are new in 2024! 

We are expanding opportunities for UVA Medical Center employees to advance their careers.  These are known as our "advanced" programs for those seeking growth. 

Please note there is very limited availability within these programs based on our job vacancies and preceptor availability.  Additionally, they are subject to change as circumstances within our Medical Center are changing.

The Advanced Programs are for UVA Medical Center employees who have been full-time employees for at least 1 year. Additional requirements for these programs include—good performance standing, good attendance history, and manager’s support. 

These programs are much longer in duration—typically 1-2 years.  They do require a commitment back to UVA Medical Center after program completion.  This is typically a year for a year.  This means a 2-year program would require a 2-year commitment to UVA after graduation.

  • Nursing: Registered Nurse (RN)

    New to the Earn While You Learn programs!

    Training Time: 2 Years

    Typical Course Size:  Based on PVCC Program Acceptance

    Start Time: Fall Semester 2025

    Next Program Entry Opportunity:

    Earn While You Learn support starts after an employee has been accepted into the PVCC Nursing Program and Nursing Classes start.  

    PVCC accepts applications for program entry in late summer for Spring Semester start and winter for Fall semester start. 

    Eligibility for application requires all prerequisite courses are completed with a grade of "C" or above and completion of the TEAS Test.  More specific information is available within this website.

     The Opportunity:

    Registered Nurse is now part of the Earn While You Learn Program!  UVA Medical Center in collaboration with Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) will offer the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AAS) and subsequent NCLEX-RN licensure will be offered within the Medical Center's Earn While You Learn Program. 

    Program Details:

    The nursing program lasts for two years (4 semesters). Upon completion of this program, graduates are eligible to apply for licensure as a registered nurse after successfully passing the NCLEX-RN licensing exam.


    Entrance into the PVCC Nursing Program requires completion of several pre-requisite courses, TEAS testing, and additional admission requirements. This program is available to UVA employees with 1 year or more full-time service to UVA Health, are in good performance standing, have demonstrated good attendance, and have manager’s support.

    While enrolled in the program trainees can expect to work in their current role for 24 hours and have the remaining 16 hours per week focused on coursework toward the associate degree in nursing.  This program requires hours of study outside of work that are not compensated. 

    Trainees must meet all program and graduation requirements as outlined at the time of admission.  Successful graduates will be expected to commit to employment at UVA for a period of two (2) years after completing the program.   


    Trainees admitted to the Earn While You Learn RN Program will continue to receive their full-time salary and benefits.  Educational expenses including tuition, fees, and textbooks will be covered by UVA Medical Center and available grants.

    For more Information: 

    Visit the EWYL website, attend one of the upcoming information sessions, or contact:  earnwhileyoulearn@uvahealth.org

    PVCC Website for RN Program

    PVCC Admission Handbook



  • Nursing: Bridge Program (Available to LPN's only)

    ~Based on the availability of the PVCC LPN to RN Bridge Program

    The Opportunity:

    There is now a great opportunity available to LPNs working at UVA!  In cooperation with Piedmont Virginia Community College, licensed LPNs employed at UVA can enroll in a “bridge program” that leads to the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AAS) and subsequent NCLEX-RN licensure. 

    Program Details:

    Trainees who are admitted to the program take “bridge” courses in the first semester and then are eligible to take the second-year nursing courses and graduate with an associate degree in nursing after three semesters. Upon completion of this program, graduates are eligible to apply for licensure as a registered nurse after successfully passing the NCLEX-RN licensing exam. 


    This program is available to LPNs who have been employed by UVA for year, are in good performance standing, and have their manager’s support.  LPNs accepted into the program will have met all admission requirements for the PVCC associate degree in nursing and will complete 41 hours of coursework in three semesters.  

    While enrolled in the program, LPNs will work in their current job for 24 hours per week and have the remaining 16 hours per week focused on coursework toward the associate degree in nursing.  Between semesters LPNs in the program will work 40 hours per at their current job.  This program requires hours of study outside of work hours that are not compensated.   

    Trainees must meet all program and graduation requirements as outlined at the time of admission.  Successful graduates will be expected to commit to employment at UVA for a period of two (2) years after completing the program.   


    Trainees admitted to the Earn While You Learn LPN to RN Bridge Program will continue to receive their full-time salary and benefits.  Educational expenses including tuition, fees, and textbooks will be covered by UVA and available grants.

    For more information:

    Visit the EWYL website, attend one of the upcoming information sessions, or contact: earnwhileyoulearn@uvahealth.org


    PVCC Website 






    Piedmont Virginia Community College: LPN to RN Bridge Program
  • Paramedic

    Next Program Opportunity:

    Fall Semester 2025

    Typical Course Size:  Varies based on PVCC Program Acceptance

    The Opportunity:

    The Earn While You Learn Paramedic Program is a career progression opportunity for EMTs employed in the UVA Medical Transport Network and UVA Emergency Department.

    Program Details:

    The 16-month certificate program will be offered in collaboration with Piedmont Virginia Community College.

    Graduates are eligible to sit for the national registry exam. Upon successful completion of this examination, candidates receive their National Registry Paramedic certification. This is required prior to applying for the reciprocity as a Virginia paramedic. The Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services will only grant certification as a paramedic in Virginia through initial certification and reciprocity afforded through the National Registry.


    Consideration for the Earn While You Learn Paramedic program includes the following:

    • EMT in good standing employed by UVA Medical Transport Network or UVA Emergency Department
    • UVA employee in good standing with manager’s approval for program entry
    • PVCC Competency requirement for math and English

    Additionally, candidates should be in good performance standing and have demonstrated good attendance.


    Paramedic trainees will work clinically as an EMT for 24 hours per week (2 12-hour shifts) with 16 hours (2 8-hour shifts) of educational time. During school breaks and holidays clinical work as an EMT will be 40 hours per week. Trainees can expect to commit some unpaid hours in support of educational efforts beyond the 16 hours/week provided.

    Trainees will be full-time employees with full benefits and educational expenses will be covered. Upon program completion, they will continue employment in either the Medical Transport Network or UVA Emergency Department for 18 months.

    Paramedic graduates who wish to continue their education can receive an

    Associate Degree with an additional 6 classes. These 6 classes will not be Earn While You Learn, but will have tuition support through UVA.

    For Questions not answered on the website:

    Contact: earnwhileyoulearn@UVAhealth.org 

  • Surgical Technology

    Next Hire: September 2025 

    (Note: Available program start dates are subject to change with a limited number of applicants selected)

    Typical Course Size: 4-6

    Applications for September Accepted:  Closed

    Next Anticipated Hire:  Spring 2026 (Applications will open in fall 2025--please monitor the site)

    Those interested please reach out to: earnwhileyoulearn@uvahealth.org


    As a Surgical Technology Trainee UVA Medical Center pays all tuition expenses. The employee will earn a full-time salary and benefits while learning the necessary skills to become a registered Tech in Surgery at UVA Health.

    Program Acceptance

    Acceptance and placement into the program are on a rolling basis.  Employee must meet all eligibility requirements prior to starting classwork, including the support of their supervisor in Peri-Operative Services or a Procedural Service area, which may include, but not limited to, the following areas: Labor & Delivery, Endoscopy, Interventional Radiology, Cath Lab, etc.  

    Qualifying Roles

    Qualifying roles for the Earn While You Learn (EWYL) Surgical Technology (ST) Program include but are not limited to the following Peri-Operative or Procedural Service areas: 

    • Central Sterile Supply/Sterile Processing Technician
    • Surgical Support Technician (SST)
    • Endoscopy Technician
    • Patient Services Assistant (PSA)
    • Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) or Patient Care Technician (PCT)
    • Certified Medical Assistant (CMA)
    • Anesthesia Technician
    • OR Transporter

    Classroom, Lab, and Clinical Practicum Training

    The Surgical Technology Certification Program is in collaboration with Insight Global® and MedCerts 

    • The EWYL ST Program is done in partnership with MedCerts online training program, a comprehensive curriculum-based program that develops basic technical knowledge.
    • The 9-month training program includes:
      • Online, module-based teaching with onsite labs and simulations with our experienced Peri-Operative clinicians at UVA Health
      • Hands-on skills and knowledge needed to function in the surgical technology role.
    • Successful completion of the program and 125 proctored cases in this dynamic environment will enable the trainee to sit for the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) Tech in Surgery (TS-C) certification exam
    • Successful completion of coursework, clinicals, case logs, and certification exams are required for registry with the Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Medicine as a Surgical Technologist

    Note: UVA Health will only support MedCerts online Surgical Technology training that has been completed through our EWYL ST Program. 


    • High school diploma or equivalent
    • One year of employment as a UVA Medical Center employee with at least six months of employment within Peri-Operative Services or applicable procedural area (Labor & Delivery, Endoscopy, Interventional Radiology, Cath Lab, etc.) prior to program start. 
    • Existing UVA Medical Center employee in full-time benefitted position 
    • Employee in good standing with performance and attendance
    • Manager approval as evidenced by letter of recommendation or completion of attestation
    • Able to meet minimum physical requirements for surgical technologists: Job requires standing for prolonged periods; repetitive motion-passing instruments, lifting heavy instrument sets.  Proficient communicative, auditory and visual skills; Attention to detail and ability to write legibly; Ability to lift/push/pull>50-100 lbs. May be exposed to cold, radiation, blood/body fluids and infectious disease
    • Interview with program clinical panel and/or Peri-Operative Services supervisor
    • Training program requires a post-completion, full-time commitment to UVA Medical Center for 1year as outlined in participation contract

    For questions not answered on the website:

    Please email:  earnwhileyoulearn@uvahealth.org  

  • Medical Lab Assistant

    Next Program Entry Opportunity: Based on PVCC Schedule

    Typical Course Size:  Based on Acceptance into the PVCC Program

    Program Details:

    The Medical Lab Assistant Program is in collaboration with Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC).


    One year of employment as a specimen management technician or phlebotomist in the medical laboratories.


    During the college semester this student enrolled in the program will receive eight hours of paid study time and guaranteed time away from work to attend classes. The class and clinical time will be unpaid.  Tuition will either be covered by grants or UVA educational assistance, and books will be paid for by the department.

    Please note the educational support model for this advanced program is different than others due to restrictions by the accrediting organization.

    For More Information:

    Primary program contact is Briana Shelton (BMS7H@uvahealth.org)

  • MRI Technologist

    Next Program Entry Opportunity: January 2026

    Applications for those interested are anticipated to open in October 2025.

    Typical Course Size:  2-4 Year


    We have capacity to train 2-4 people per year as an MRI Trainee, all tuition expenses are paid by the organization. Also, earn a salary while supporting our team in MRI and learning the necessary skills to become a registered MRI technologist at UVA Health

    Program Details:

    • Academics: Satisfy academic requirements via successful enrollment and acceptance into the Tesla Institute of MRI Technology. The trainee will log 2000 clinical hours as a trainee while enrolled in the program and will.
    • Clinical: Apply and interview for an open MRI Trainee position.  An applicant must be successful in both academic enrollment as well as being hired into the trainee position.


    • Applicant must have successfully completed college-level anatomy and physiology 1 and 2 (BIO 141 & 142).
    • Applicant must have background and history exposing them to medical terminology or college course in medical terminology.
    • Ideal candidate would possess a certification in imaging, but previous certification is not required if the candidate has a strong clinical background as EMT, CMA, LPN, or support staff position.
    • Upon completion of both academic and clinical requirements, candidate must pass professional registry.
    • Upon completion of the program and successfully passing registry, applicant is required to work in the UVA MRI department for at least 12 months.


    • MRI Trainee is a paid position with benefits
    • MRI Trainee will gain entry level experience relative to patient care, prep, and safety
    • MRI Trainee will be assigned a mentor to help bridge / link the academic program to the clinical experience
    • Tuition for the Tesla institute is 100% paid by UVA Health

    For Questions not answered on the website:

    Contact email:  earnwhileyoulearn@uvahealth.org 

  • Sleep Lab Technologist (Polysomnographic Technologist)

    Sleep Lab (Polysomnographic)Technologists 


    Training Time: Approximately 6-12 Months

    Hiring Time: Projected March 2025 hiring for late April 2025 program start

    Typical Course Size:  4

    For more information email:  earnwhileyoulearn@UVAhealth.org

    The Polysomnographic Technologist is not as well-known as other healthcare professionals, but highly specialized. We will attempt to answer many questions we anticipate you may have.

    Details first:

    • Advanced programs are only available to a small number of existing UVA Medical Center employees
    • Full time NIGHT SHIFT position
    • There are 80 hours of classroom (didactic) training. This lasts about 2 weeks and occurs on dayshift.
    • Self-directed on-line modules
    • Training program requires 960 clinical hours (about 6 months) to be eligible to take the credential exams.  Additional hours may be needed to ensure trainees are competent to work independently. 
    • There are two, tiered exams that occur over time
      • RPGST (Registered Polysomnographic Technologist)
      • CPGST (Certified Polysomnographic Technologists)
    • 1-year commitment to UVA is required after training is complete
    • Patient care experience is preferred
    • Small number of positions available


    What is a Polysomnographic Technologist?

    A health care professional who studies and analyzes patients' sleep patterns. They work under the direction of sleep physicians to diagnose and treat various sleep disorders.  They undergo training that prepares them to operate and interpret data from specialized equipment.

    Where do Polysomnographic Technologists work?

    They may work in sleep centers, hospitals, or clinics that specialize in sleep disorders.  Their work environments focus on providing diagnostic testing and treatment for patients with sleep-related conditions. 

    What types of equipment will I learn to use?

    A wide range of equipment is needed to conduct patient evaluations:

    • Electroencephalography (EEG): Detects and records the electrical activity in the brain providing insight into the different stages of sleep.
    • Electrocardiography (EKG): Sensors on a patient's chest to monitor the electrical activity of the heart.
    • Electromyogram (EMG): Sensors for monitoring patients and collecting data on muscle activity during sleep.
    • Electro-oculography (EOG): Sensors detect eye activity and capture patients' eye movements accurately.
    • Breathing sensors: Detect air movement through the mouth and nose to assess breathing patterns during sleep.
    • Respiratory inductive plethysomography belt: Monitors and provides data on the patient's breathing effort while they sleep.
    • Pulse oximeter: Measures the patient's pulse and blood oxygen levels for assessing overall oxygenation during sleep. 
    • Video and audio monitoring equipment: Help care providers observe and listen to the patient's sleep environment.

    A Night in the Life of a Polysomnographic Technologist

    When patients arrive in the evening, the sleep tech may ask questions about sleep patterns, including breathing issues, snoring, and excessive movement.  They guide the patient to the sleep study room which usually has a bed, video camera, and sleep monitoring equipment to record the patient's vitals, including heart rate, brain waves, muscle activity, and body functioning.  

    After connecting sensors on the head, chest, face, stomach, and legs, the technologists leaves while the patient goes to sleep.  During the study, they carefully observe the patient through the monitoring window to note various sleep characteristics, such as:

    • Position changes
    • Patient movement
    • Stages of sleep
    • Snoring and breathing patterns
    • Other patterns or anomalies while sleeping

    They may also help physicians and other members of the healthcare team conduct more specialized studies, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) titration and bi-level PAP (BiPAP) studies.

    A Video to Learn More

    "My Life as a Sleep Technologist" is a very helpful video found on YouTube created by UpSkill Houston.  While this is at Texas Children's Hospital--the information is highly relevant to our positions at UVA.




  • Cardiac or Vascular Sonography

    Cardiac or Vascular Sonography


    Training Time: 12 Months

    Typical Course size: 2-4

    Hiring Time:

    • We anticipate applications for this program will open in February/March 2025
    • Actual start date will be August 2025

    This program is still in planning so many details are not available at this time.

    We do have the list of pre-requisite courses required for application. We want to share this information well in advance of the actual application period. 

    Prerequisite classes required prior to application:

    Communication (One of the following):

    • ENG 111      College Composition
    • EDE 11        English Composition Readiness
    • ENG 134     Grammar for Writing & Speaking
    • CST 100      Principles of Public Speaking

    Human Anatomy and Physiology (One of the following selections--note there are two courses per selection):

    • BIO 141 & BIO 142  Human Anatomy & Physiology
    • BIO 231 & BIO 232  Human Anatomy & Physiology

    Mathematics (One of the following):

    • MDE 60     Intermediate Algebra
    • MTH 266   Linear Algebra
    • MTH 111    Basic Technical Mathematics

    Physics (One of the following):

    • PHY 100    Elements of Physics
    • PHY 131    Applied Physics 1
    • Radiographic Physics (if a prior graduate of Radiologic Technology Program)

    Medical Terminology (One of the following):

    • HIM111 Medical Terminology I and HIM 112 Medical Terminology II
    • DMS 206  Introduction to Sonography


    Please monitor this website for more details in the future.


    These You Tube videos are not from UVA but offer insight into these roles.

    Cape Fear Community college:


    Nebraska Medical: My Job In A Minute: Cardiac Sonographer - Nebraska Medicine

    South Georgia Medical Center:

    What is a Vascular Ultrasound Specialist?

Steps to Start

Step 1: Apply to PVCC

Step 2: Apply for Financial Aid (needed for all non-Nursing courses)

Step 3: Review your program webpage (LPN Bridge) and admission booklet (RN only)

Step 4: Proceed with adding the courses you need for your respective program:

Step 5: Explore our student support resources and PVCC resources as a whole

Step 6: Follow-up with EWYL page and application once you have been granted admission into your desired program

If you have any issues at any point within these steps, please refer to the admissions and advising webpage and contact if you need additional support.

Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) Resources

Nursing Resources

Advising Resources at PVCC 

General Pre-Admission Evaluation:

If you have taken any of the program courses, please request a pre-admissions evaluation once you have applied to PVCC.


Frequently Asked Questions

We are so pleased you are interested in your career progression and returning school! We also recognize this is very new to many of you. The language may be different than what you use every day. 

See below for answers to frequently asked questions about the Earn While You Learn program.

  • What does Pre-requisite class mean?

    Most of the educational programs offered in our Advanced EWYL Programs require certain classes be taken or enrolled in before you can apply to the actual program such as nursing or paramedic.  

    For example, in nursing you must complete: 

    On page 9 in the Nursing Admission Information Book

    Admission Pre-requisites are listed and include:

    ENG 111  College Composition 1

    BIO 141  Human Anatomy & Physiology 1

    PSY 230  Developmental Psychology

    SDV 100 College Success Skills

  • What is a 'credit hour' and what is a 'semester?'

    A credit hour is a unit of measure representing an hour (50 minutes) of instruction over a 15-week period in a semester. It is applied toward the total number of hours needed for completing the requirements of a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award.

    You can appreciate a 1 credit hour course is much less time than a 4 credit hour course. This is important as you plan your schedule. 

    A semester system generally consists of two 15-week terms: one in the fall (followed by a winter break) and one in the spring (followed by a summer break)

  • What is 'Earn While You Learn?'

    Earn While You Learn is a program UVA started in 2022 to help individuals gain employment and training for jobs within our community. We hire people as full-time employees and pay them salary, benefits, and tuition support as they train for jobs within our Medical Center.

  • Does EWYL teach the courses offered?

    In most instances we collaborate with an educational facility to provide the training.  There are a couple of entry level programs that we teach at UVA Medical Center.  For the Advanced programs we will be working with educational programs, such as Piedmont Virginia Community College, to provide the actual education.  

    The Earn While You Learn program provides the salary support and labor time needed to complete the courses.  

  • What is an entry level program versus an advanced program?

    An entry-level program in Earn While You Learn is a role that typically requires no experience in the field but will require training on the job. The training programs related to this are listed on this website.  The training is shorter in duration, usually about 10-16 weeks.  

    An advanced program is much longer in duration, usually 1-2 years, and awards a degree and/or a license.  At University Medical Center these programs are now available in the Earn While You Learn Programs but only for Medical Center employees.  

  • How do I sign up for EWYL Nursing?

    Very important-there are two separate parts to this program.

    Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) provides the nursing education.  There are several classes and the TEAS test that must be taken before you are eligible to apply to the Nursing Program.  When these are complete you submit your application to the Nursing School.  Once you are accepted into the program--you are THEN eligible for the EWYL support.  

    UVA Medical Center provides employees accepted into the PVCC Nursing Program part of your work week to focus on your classes.  The EWYL program is not available to provide work time for the prerequisite courses.  These must be completed on your own time, but UVA tuition assistance can cover the tuition. 

  • Where do I start with Nursing for PVCC entry?

    • Please refer to the section on this website "Steps to Start"--this outlines in detail how to get started.
    • Read through the admissions booklet for nursing linked on this website.  For other PVCC programs, admissions information can be found on the PVCC site on the program page.  Take your time reading the information and making notes as needed.  Everything you may need to know is pretty much in those admissions booklets. 
    • If you find a roadblock or still have questions after reviewing the resources listed above, contact the PVCC main office. 
  • When to call PVCC Admissions & Advising versus Making an Appointment?

    There are limited resources available for appointments.  After you have used the resources found on this website and you still have questions--this will help you determine the best path for your answers:

    • Contracting the Admissions and Advising office if you need help with,
      • Time-sensitive issues
      • Application and/or registration issues
      • Quick questions
    • Once you have thoroughly reviewed your desired program webpage and/or admissions booklet, you would make an appointment if you need help with,
      • Long-term advising plans
      • Have follow-up questions or specific needs to address
      • Want to discuss Pre-Admissions Evaluation results
      • Program application questions
  • Why can't I add BIO 141?

    • To take BIO 141, you must have first taken a college level biology or chemistry course within the past 5 years with a grade of C or above
    • If you have taken this at PVCC and it still isn't letting you register, call the main office
    • If you don't see it when you search, the class may be full
    • If you took this outside of PVCC, you need to connect with the PVCC Admissions & Advising office and show proof (transcript) to allow course entry
    • Suggested courses to take to prepare for entry to BIO 141 includes: BIO 106, BIO 145, BIO 101, NAS 2
  • How do I sign up for classes? How do I make changes to my course schedule?

    Please follow the links found in the PVCC resources section.

  • I want online classes only, is this possible?

    For some classes this may be an option, but not all classes.  This should be noted on the PVCC portal as you search the classes.  

    Most of the science classes will be live classes, especially the labs.  

  • Can I take my pre-requisite or general education courses at another school?

    • Yes, as long as they are transferable as the same course.
    • With the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), if it is the same name, number, subject, amount of credits, and has a lab for science courses it should transfer over (if you earn a c or above).
    • Outside the Virginia Community College System, connect with the Admissions & Advising Office. They must have information on the school and what class is being considered to make an evaluation for transfer.
  • What if I have taken courses outside of the Virginia Community College System?

    Refer to the Pre-Admission Evaluation request information found under PVCC Resources on this website. 

  • How do I sign up for the TEAS test?

    Please go the PVCC Testing Center website found here:

    Testing Centers | Piedmont Virginia Community College (pvcc.edu)

    You will see a link for TEAS and within that an email link to request testing.  


  • How do I get the tuition for non-Nursing courses covered?

    Two options:

    PVCC--visit the PVCC Financial Aid webpage

    UVA employees--may also use tuition assistance benefits.  Please use the UVA benefit website Education Benefits 1 | UVA HR (virginia.edu).  This link also includes job aids on how employees can submit their education benefits requests. If you have questions, please email AskHR@virginia.edu.

  • How do I study for the TEAS test (RN only)?