Examining Whiteness: An Ideology

Examining Whiteness is a four-part interactive weekly workshop focused on research from Robin DiAngelo’s book White Fragility.

The optimal learning experience requires participants to attend all four classes. When you register for the first class you will automatically be enrolled in all four classes.

The course invites us to consider lessons learned from DiAngelo and other scholars who focus on race and racism in America. The four sequential workshops create a deeper level of engagement and understanding of the history of whiteness in this country and how it continues to impact all of us. As UVA focuses on Inclusive Excellence and the value of every team member, leaders need the tools, insight, and data to help the university move closer to its 2030 strategic plan. This course is an invitation for you to examine the interplay between your power and your fragility, how it impacts your work, your leadership ability, and how you engage with people different than yourself.

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