Situational Leadership Program (In-Person)

SLII® is a four-part learning journey to becoming a situational leader.

The SLII Experience™ travels through LAUNCH, LEARN, PRACTICE, and MASTER. In this program, leaders will learn a new language of leadership to help increase the quality and quantity of conversations, accelerate others’ development, and support others’ autonomy and self-reliance. Becoming a situational leader—a best leader—allows leaders to partner with those they lead, giving their team members what they need to succeed.

This is an in-person 16-hour, 2day program, and seats are limited. 

Each leader will receive a participant kit with the following items:

  • Participant Workbook - The workbook is used for learning key concepts and for capturing information during LEARN and PRACTICE.
  • SLII at a Glance Booklet - The booklet is used as a quick reference to SLII and back on the job.
  • SLII at a Glance Poster - The poster is used as a quick reference to SLII and back on the job.
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