Health System Appraisal Update: Nurse Templates Missing CCL Responsibilities

On June 3, 2019, year-end appraisal templates for nurses on the Clinical Career Ladder (CCL) launched to Workday, and for some, the seven CCL responsibilities did not populate accordingly.

Please choose from one of the two following options to populate this data:

  1. You can manually add the seven responsibilities to your appraisal template in Workday by following the step-by-step process below; or
  2. You can request to delete your current appraisal, including all work contained within the template, and replace it with a corrected version. Send requests to with the subject "Delete Nurse Appraisal." 

Manually add CCL responsibilities in Workday:

  1. Open the appraisal in your Workday Inbox using the "Summary Editor" option.
  2. Scroll down to the Clinical Career Ladder section beneath the ASPIRE values section.
  3. Use the "Add" button, and copy + paste the seven CCL responsibilities listed below. Please note you must add each responsibility individually in order to provide a separate rating for each.

Relationship Based Care - Patients and families: reflects the influence of the nurse's relationship with self, colleagues and patient/family on the patient experience.

Relationship Based Care - Self and colleagues: reflects the influence of the nurse's relationship with self, colleagues and patient/family on the patient experience.

Expert Caring: encompasses clinical assessment, planning, prioritizing, coordinating and implementation of care.

Empowered Leaders: demonstrates knowledge of and actively participates in shared governance.

Quality Achievement: includes adherence to clinical documentation guidelines, comprehension of outcomes data, engagement in performance improvement activities and commitment to standard work.

Lifelong Learning: encompasses professional development through formal education, professional certification, internal and external learning opportunities and recognizes the value of external professional organizations. Supports onboarding of new team members and precepts as applicable.

Innovation: is demonstrated by application of technologies that support patient care, actively seeking to implement evidence based practice and new knowledge generated by nursing research.

We understand this is not ideal, but please know that your Performance Management team has resolved the issue, and it will not occur again in the future. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we encourage you to reach out to the HR Solution Center with any questions and concerns. 

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