Please Update Contact Information in Workday

The Workday Team is excited to announce that your contact information in Workday will now be replicated into appropriate directories such as Outlook and People Search. Please review and update your information in Workday to ensure its accuracy. On the Workday homepage, click the “Personal Information” icon, click the “Contact Information” button and review your physical work location (primary) and USPS Mail/Messenger Mail. If changes are needed, click the “Edit” button at the top left of the page. After making any changes, click the orange “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. Remember to include your correct zip code (22904 for Academic employees with PO Box numbers that begin with 400XXX and zip code 22908 for Health System employees with PO Box numbers that begin with 800XX). Your PO Box is used for Messenger Mail. Also include your building and office number information for your business location.

For assistance, review the Job Aid, and reach out to with questions.