

A program is a recurring meeting on a designated topic. For example, Dare to Lead™ is a 24-hour cohort program.

Note: The Tools to Lead and Learning to Lead programs are currently paused and will be replaced by Leadership Foundations, expected to launch in August 2025. This new program is being designed based on participant feedback to better support managers and leaders across UVA. If you are interested in joining the pilot cohort, please contact Rachel Allen, and check back here for updates as we get closer to launch.

UVA HR Learning and Development currently offers the following programs:

  • Crucial Conversation for Mastering Dialogue | 12.5 hours

    Dialogue is the Difference

    Whenever you’re not getting the results you want, it’s likely an important conversation either hasn’t happened or hasn’t been handled well. In fact, both individual and organizational success are largely determined by how quickly, directly, and effectively we speak up when it matters most. At the heart of healthy and high-performance organizations are people willing and able to hold Crucial Conversations.

    What's a Crucial Conversation?

    A Crucial Conversation is a discussion between two or more people where the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. When conversations turn crucial, people tend to follow one of two ineffective paths: they either speak directly and abrasively to get the results they want but harm relationships, or they remain silent with the hope of preserving relationships only to sacrifice results.

    But there’s a better way. Crucial Conversations gives people the skills to step into disagreement— rather than over or around it—and turn disagreement into dialogue for improved relationships and results. Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue combines the convenience of virtual learning with the benefits of live instruction. Our virtual instructor-led course ensures an engaging and spaced learning experience that meets the unique needs and demands of the modern learner.

    Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue includes videos, polls, group practice, large and small group discussions, and personal reflection to help maximize skill transference.

    Program Materials:

    • Digital learner guide
    • Cue cards and model card
    • Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High ebook
    • Digital course completion certificate
    • Six-week ongoing learning experience

    The program outline included below may vary for virtual and in-person offerings. 

    Session 1: Get Unstuck & Master My Stories I – 2.5 hours

    Learning Objectives:

    • Spot the conversations that are keeping you from what you want
    • Choose the right conversation to get unstuck
    • Learn where emotions come from and how to change them
    • Take responsibility for the emotions you bring to the conversation by owning your story

    Session 2: Master My Stories II & Start with Heart – 2.5 hours

    Learning Objectives:

    • Eliminate negative stories that impede conversations and results
    • Stay focused on what you really want
    • Lay a foundation of good intent

    Session 3: State My Path & Make It Safe – 2.5 hours

    Learning Objectives:

    • Speak honestly and respectfully
    • Share tough messages in a way that invites others into the conversation
    • Take steps to rebuild safety when others get defensive
    • Talk with almost anyone about almost anything

    Session 4: Learn to Look & Seek Mutual Purpose – 2.5 hours

    Learning Objectives:

    • Notice the signs that people are not in dialogue
    • Identify and manage your own Style Under Stress
    • Recognize when safety is at risk because you’re at odds
    • Find common ground even when it seems impossible

    Session 5: Explore Other's Paths & Move to Action – 2.5 hours

    Learning Objectives:

    • Actively listen to understand the meaning behind others’ emotions and actions
    • Respond productively when someone initiates a Crucial Conversation with you
    • Move from healthy dialogue to taking action and achieving results


    If you have any questions about Crucial Conversation for Master Dialogue, please contact our facilitator, Kate Freeman.

    Register for an Upcoming Cohort of Crucial Conversations.

  • Dare to Lead™ | 24 hours

    To scale daring leadership and build courage in teams and organizations, we have to cultivate a culture in which brave work, tough conversations, and whole hearts are the expectation, and armor is not necessary or rewarded. Dare to Lead™ is the ultimate playbook for developing brave leaders and courageous cultures. This program builds the skills we need to show up with other people, try new behaviors, experience falls and failures, get back up, learn, and try again.

    Based on the research of Brené Brown, the Dare to Lead™ program is an empirically based, courage-building program based on four skills sets that are teachable, observable, and measurable. This training program, led by Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator Rose Markey, will equip participants with language, tools, and exercises to put these four skills into immediate practice.

    • Rumbling with Vulnerability: face risk, uncertainty, and tough conversations with courage, clarity, and empathy.
    • Living into Our Values: identify what you stand for and how to show up from a place of integrity every day.
    • Braving Trust: build meaningful and authentic connections with your teams, colleagues and customers so you can work together from a foundation of trust.
    • Learning to Rise: become aware of your emotions and stories and learn how to show up and lead with courage - even when faced with failure, disappointment, and setbacks.

    This 24 hour courage-building program is offered virtually consisting of a series of eight workshops (3 hours each) or in-person in a series of three workshops (8 hours each).  Participants will receive the Dare To Lead™ workbook and trained badge for their LinkedIn profile. This program is just as effective when offered to in-tact teams and any UVA employee or team member who wants to change and improve their culture. 

    Further information can be obtained by contacting Rose Markey.

    Register for an Upcoming Cohort of Dare to Lead.

  • Leadership Essentials | 88 hours

    This interactive 12-week program is designed to increase your knowledge, skills, and the manager/leader’s ability to succeed at UVA. The program covers the foundations of being a leader and HR policies and practices for effective management. Leadership Essentials is designed to educate, inspire, and to stretch your leadership thinking and abilities. It gives you and fellow participants the opportunity to engage in dynamic discussions and activities, learning from each other and building valuable relationships.

    The class is every Tuesday and Thursday morning, in person.  An application must be completed by your manager acknowledging the time commitment and her/his support of your development plan. Participants should have at least three years of people management/leadership experience. Once approved, participants will receive a confirmation for participation and details regarding the materials needed to complete the program.

    Further information can be obtained by contacting Lisa Harris.

    Upcoming Program in 2025:

    • Spring: Every Tuesday and Thursday,  9:00 am - 1:00 pm
      • April: 8,10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 
      • May: 1, 6,8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27,29
      • June: 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 25, 27
    • Fall: Every Tuesday and Thursday,  9:00 am  - 1:00 pm 
      • September: 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30
      • October: 2, 7, 9 , 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30
      • November: 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20
      • December: 2, 4

    Participants will participate in four 90-day sessions focusing on executing their project plans.
    Graduation is contingent upon the completion of your project and is one year out from your program enrollment. 

    Apply for Leadership Essentials Program (Netbadge login required)

  • Leadership Foundations – Launching August 2025| 10 hours

    Leadership Foundations is a program for new people managers across UVA. Designed for managers new to the organization, or promoted from within, this high-level, blended learning program serves as the first step in connecting new managers to relevant resources and a network of support.

    This program is applicable for new people managers at UVA Health, including the Medical Center, University of Virginia Physician’s Group (UPG), School of Medicine (SOM), School of Nursing (SON), and new managers across the UVA Academic Division, with specific information detailed for the unique needs of each area.

    Program Outline

    The program will start with an opening session via Zoom, followed by asynchronous Workday modules, and finish with a closing session via Zoom with the opportunity to ask subject matter experts questions around the content provided.

    Content in the modules will include:

    • Leading at UVA – Mission, vision, values, organizational structure, and strategic plan
    • About Your Team – HR Basics and Policies; Workday, Leave and Time Tracking, Employee Relations, HR Business Partners, and more
    • Navigating Systems at UVA – Workday, Compliance and Privacy, Information Technology and Security, and UVA Finance
    • Managing Your Team – Talent Acquisition, Performance Management, Onboarding and Orientation
    • Supporting Your Team – Coaching, Rewards and Recognition, Employee Engagement, and Belonging
    • Leadership and Learning – Leadership Resources, Learning and Development, Career Conversations, and learning partners across UVA


    New people managers will be invited via email by the Learning and Development team, or assigned by their manager to attend; participants will then self-enroll in the program via Workday Learning. It is strongly recommended that managers begin the program within their first three months after hire or promotion, and complete within 1 year of their start date.

    Dates for 2025 will be announced soon!

    *Upon completion of the final session, individuals are eligible to receive a digital badge showcasing their achievement in this program.

  • Situational Leadership | 16 hours

    Program Details

    SLII® is a four-part learning journey to becoming a situational leader. The SLII Experience™ travels through LAUNCH, LEARN, PRACTICE, and MASTER. In this program, leaders will learn a new language of leadership to help increase the quality and quantity of conversations, accelerate others’ development, and support others’ autonomy and self-reliance. Becoming a situational leader—a best leader—allows leaders to partner with those they lead, giving their team members what they need to succeed.

    Situational Leadership is offered at no cost to you, as an employee of UVA. Outside of the University, the cost is $2595 per person. Please take advantage of this opportunity!
    Four Parts

    1. The SLII Experience begins with LAUNCH. In this asynchronous learning experience, leaders are introduced to the program and are invited to log in to the Blanchard Exchange learner portal to access their LAUNCH assignments. Completion of the following assignments are a requirement prior to attending the LEARN session: 1.) complete the LBAII® Self- Assessment, 2.) watch a short video on Setting SMART Goals, 3.) complete the SLII Goals Worksheet, and 4.) complete the SLII Fitness Test.
    2. LEARN is the second step in The SLII Experience. The LEARN phase is devoted to learning the three skills of SLII and becoming familiar with the SLII Model. Leaders are introduced to The SLX Story. Leaders receive their participant kits and learn how to use the various SLII Tools for becoming a situational leader.
    3. PRACTICE is the third step in The SLII Experience. PRACTICE is where the puzzle pieces are put into place and leaders get real practice with the skills of SLII. This session focuses on practicing the skills of SLII, using many real-life situations. The SLII Challenge, Learn the SLII Model, and the MASTER section of the Blanchard Exchange portal are introduced.
    4. MASTER is the fourth and final step in The SLII Experience. In this asynchronous learning design, leaders are encouraged to put what they have learned into practice once they’re back on the job, and become a situational leader. The first step in becoming a situational leader is to share a common language, accomplished by teaching SLII to others using the Share SLII with Your Team resources.

    Course Resources

    Each leader will receive a participant kit with the following items:

    • Participant Workbook - The workbook is used for learning key concepts and for capturing information during LEARN and PRACTICE.
    • SLII at a Glance Booklet - The booklet is used as a quick reference to SLII and back on the job.
    • SLII at a Glance Poster - The poster is used as a quick reference to SLII and back on the job

    In order to best support our leaders at UVA we will hold a 1 hour "office hour" check in 2 weeks post-program to help remove barriers.

    Further information can be obtained by contacting Kate Freeman or Rachel Allen. 


    Our program will be postponed unless the minimum attendance requirement of 10 participants is met.

    Register in Workday
    Register for the Preview