Winter Weather Advisory

Inclement Weather Update from J.J. Davis on Wednesday 6:18 p.m., February 19, 2025:

Academic Division

University officials have continued to assess inclement weather impacts and road conditions throughout the region and we have confirmed that the University's Academic Division will operate on a modified schedule. We will delay opening until 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Classes scheduled prior to 12:00 p.m. will not meet on Grounds, but we encourage faculty to shift those classes online, if feasible. Please communicate your plans to your students, and be accommodating to those transitioning between online and in-person coursework. 

Students and Academic Division faculty and staff should monitor the Academic Operations Status Board for changes to operations on Grounds.

Designated employees should remain at their job to help maintain essential University operations. 

Non-designated Academic Division employees who report to Grounds should leave at 12:00 p.m. Non-designated Academic Division employees who work from home should follow their normal schedule. Any employee who is unable to work should contact their manager or supervisor so a reasonable accommodation plan can be made.

Supervisors and faculty in the Academic division are asked to provide flexibility for staff members who have other responsibilities at home (such as childcare or eldercare) while continuing to meet the needs of the University.

For information on how to find your emergency event status, see How Can I Find My Designated Status?  

UVA Health:

UVA Health team members should monitor internal communications and the UVA Health Status Board for changes to patient care and business operations.


How do employees know their emergency reporting status?

All employees need to understand whether they are required to report in person if the University modifies on-Grounds operations. Some Academic Division staff may need to consult directly with their managers to understand their role.

  • Academic Division: For information on how to find emergency event designation, agency closing timekeeping instructions, etc., see the Weather or Emergency Event Status webpage.
  • UVA Health: Team members should refer to HR Policy 510 – Modified Medical Center Operations and discuss questions with their supervisor. UVA Health team members should maintain communication with their manager/supervisor regarding modified operations. Unless otherwise noted, team members are expected to follow standard reporting/operating schedules.

How does UVA make weather-related schedule changes?

University officials closely monitor developing weather and its expected impact on the University’s facilities and the accessibility of Grounds – focusing on parking lots, sidewalks, and streets, and bring a team together from across the University to discuss the impacts and to make recommendations regarding the University's operations. Life safety is our top priority.

How can the UVA community learn about schedule changes?

When the Academic Division modifies academic operations, the decision is communicated as early as possible through multiple channels: 

When UVA Health modifies its patient care and business operations, it utilizes the following channels to communicate changes in operations during inclement weather:

  • Recorded messages on phone “hotlines” (434-243-7669 and 434-924-7669)
  • UVA Health Status Board 
  • Direct communication from your supervisor 
  • Mass email
  • Local news outlets  

What if I cannot report to work due to weather?

Academic Division staff should contact their manager or supervisor if they are unable to report to the office as expected. Supervisors and faculty in the Academic Division are asked to be flexible in granting leave to employees who feel that it is not safe to travel or who have other responsibilities at home – such as childcare or eldercare – that might restrict their availability.

UVA Health team members should refer to HR Policy 510 – Modified Medical Center Operations.
Who do I contact for additional questions?

For questions about inclement weather planning and emergency operations, please contact: