Recognition Policies/Resources
We recognize staff with several awards and recognition events throughout the year. Consider nominating a deserving colleague for one or more of the awards listed below. Recognize them for their exceptional contributions, their commitment to the ASPIRE values, and for collaborating with others across departments, units, or schools.
Recognizing and rewarding your team is important for employee engagement. Engaged employees are happier, more productive, and committed to their organization. Review Manager Toolkits and recognition policies for tips and guidance for low and no cost ideas for rewarding your team.
Employee Recognition Policies & Resources
- DHRM-1.15 Employee Recognition and Engagement for Classified Staff
- HRM-024 Compensation for University Staff Employees
Academic Manager Resources
- Academic Manager Toolkit
- DHRM-1.15 Employee Recognition and Engagement for Classified Staff
- HRM-024 Compensation for University Staff Employees
- Recognition Leave
UVA Health Manager Resources
- Uteam Manager Toolkit
- $25/FTE
- Point Cards
- Managers’ Store
- HR 806: Employee Rewards and Recognition Programs
Recognition Leave
Eligible Academic Staff may receive Recognition Leave (as well as bonuses and non-monetary awards) for contributions to the University. These rewards are typically provided to Academic Staff in recognition of teamwork, special projects, identification/implementation of new or modified business practices, exemplary effort, and employee appreciation.
Up to 40 hours (5 days per calendar year) of Recognition Leave may be awarded to a benefited employee per year. Wage employees may not receive Recognition Leave.
The total of monetary and non-monetary awards shall not exceed $5,000 per employee per fiscal year for Classified Staff. The limit for University Staff is $5,000 or 10% of the employee's base salary, whichever is greater.
Recognition Leave is valid for one year from the date of award.
For additional information, refer to policies DHRM-1.15 and HRM-024 above.
To Award Recognition Leave - Complete the Academic Staff Recognition Leave Request form.
Questions? Email
Workday Assistance
- WDA Provides Guidance Directly in Workday
- COM-Request One Time Payment
- COMTipSheet One Time Payment Reasons
*If you have trouble opening the links directly, go to the Workday Job Aids, select the Compensation folder, and choose the appropriate Job Aid.