Making it easy to choose well

Hoos Choice Nutrition Program

Hoos Choice is a point-of-choice nutrition program that facilitates and encourages healthy food choices across the University of Virginia.

Hoos Choice™ is a point-of-choice nutrition program that facilitates and encourages healthy food choices across the University of Virginia. Hoos Choice™ options include entrees, snacks, and sides – all of which are available for retail purchase in Medical Center cafes.



Items marked with the Hoos Choice™ logo meet the following criteria:

  • Entrees: ≤ 400 kcals, ≤ 5g saturated fat, ≤ 600mg sodium
  • Snacks: ≤ 250 kcals ≤ 3g saturated fat, ≤ 230mg sodium
  • Sides: ≤ 250 kcals, ≤ 2g saturated fat, ≤ 250mg sodium

Hoos Choice™ is the product of a collaboration between Hoos Well and Morrison foods and addresses the main barriers to healthy eating at work – cost, convenience, time constraints and limited availability of affordable, healthy food. It supports well-being goals that UVA employees have articulated; the most popular health-related goals and areas of greatest readiness to change among UVA employees are improving dietary habits.

Hoos choice logo