Understanding the 1095-C Form
A recent change in The Paperwork Reduction Act impacts the rules that previously required employers to provide Forms 1095-C to employees. The Form 1095-Cs are tax statements outlining the months an employee was eligible for health coverage and the cost of the most affordable coverage option during a given tax year. Employers no longer are required to automatically distribute these forms to all eligible employees. For the 2024 tax year, UVA HR will continue providing paper forms. Going forward, UVA HR will transition to electronic delivery on demand for employees who want these statements.
Why Do We Need It?
The ACA requires everyone to have medical coverage, or penalties are assessed when you file your taxes. This new form provides the IRS with data to enforce this regulation.
What should you do?
- Look for it. If you don’t receive the 1095-C by mid-March 2025, please contact the HR Solution Center at AskHR@virginia.edu or call 434.243.3344.
- Review it. Is it accurate? If not, contact the HR Service Team so your information can be updated for future reporting.
- Save it. You don’t need this form to file your taxes, but you need to save it with your personal tax information.