Determine If Employer-Based Coverage Meets the Affordability Standard

Affordability Standard Calculator

Employee's spouses who have access to health benefits that meet affordability and minimum value standards as defined by the Affordable Care Act are not eligible for enrollment in UVA's health plans. If your spouse is employed and eligible for affordable health care from their employer who provides minimum value, they are not eligible to be a dependent on your health coverage UNLESS ALL of your spouse’s employer’s health options are HMOs and your spouse lives outside the HMOs’ defined service areas.

Use the following calculator to help determine if employer-based coverage meets the affordability standard as derived from the federal Affordable Care Act. Employer-based coverage is considered "affordable" if it does not exceed 9.02% of the employee's income.






NOTE: The affordability standard calculator only determines if your spouse’s coverage meets the affordability standard. Check with your spouse’s employer to determine if their employer-sponsored coverage meets the minimum value standard. If either the affordability standard OR the minimum value standard is not met, your spouse is eligible for coverage on the UVA Health Plan.