Leave is recorded based on the documented alternative work schedule (e.g., If the employee is scheduled to work a 10- hour day and calls in sick, they must record 10 hours of sick leave).
The employee must obtain supervisory approval in accordance with established procedures for requesting and obtaining leave.
Employees receive 8 hours of pay on paid holidays.
An employee whose usual workday is longer than 8 hours must either use leave to cover the additional hours or work another two hours during the remainder of the work week to make up the time. (e.g., If an employee usually works four 10-hour days and Monday is a holiday, the employee will receive 8 hours of holiday leave for Monday. The employee may use 2 hours of eligible PTO to cover the additional two hours or may work an extra ½ hour each of the remaining 4 days of the week to make up the two hours.)
In the case of an authorized closing, such as for inclement weather, the employee will receive authorized closing hours equal to the number scheduled. (e.g., If the employee is scheduled to work 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the university closes at 1 p.m., the employee receives 5 hours.)
A meal break of at least 30 minutes must be provided to employees working more than 6 consecutive hours. It is NOT included in hours worked.
The supervisor may require employee to take up a meal break of up to 60 minutes.
Days out of the office must be approved by supervisor, and must allow for necessary office coverage (i.e., not exclusively Mondays and Fridays).
For non-exempt employees, alternative hours worked must be recorded in the same way as standard work hours.