UVA Health Plan 2025

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The University Academic Division will open operate on a modified academic and work schedule on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. UVA Health team members should monitor internal communications and the UVA Health Status Board for changes to patient care and business operations. Visit https://hr.virginia.edu/news/winter-weather-advisory for details.

Last Updated

Get the most out of your UVA benefits

Open Enrollment is now closed. 

If you have questions about your benefits or would like to make changes to your benefits outside of the Open Enrollment period and due to a qualified life event, please contact the HR Solution Center at AskHR@virginia.edu.

Open Enrollment is a time for all UVA benefits-eligible employees and team members to learn about, carefully review, and elect benefits for the following plan year starting January 1, 2025.​ These benefits include health and dental plan options, vision coverage, Health Savings Account, Flexible Spending Account, and Dependent Daycare Reimbursement Account.

Unless you experience a qualified life event like having a baby or getting married, making changes to these benefits can only be done during Open Enrollment, which this year runs October 7 through 18, 2024. ​

Learn what you need to know for your future emotional, physical, and financial well-being with in-person and virtual opportunities.

Do you know about UVA Health Employee Primary Care? This new clinic is open to all employees on the UVA Health Plan. Establish a relationship with a primary care provider or get same-day treatment for non-urgent care needs. Learn more about UVA Health Employee Primary Care.

UVA HR is here to help. Be a part of a healthy and connected community!

Here's What's Changing

UVA Health Plan option names will change:

  • Basic will become Health Savings
  • Value will become UVA PPO
  • Choice Health stays the same (closes to new enrollees starting 1/1/2026)

Health Plan Premiums: UVA Health Plan rates will increase to account for the rising costs in medical and prescription claims. As a self-insured health plan, the Plan is paid for by employee and employer contributions, and rising prices and employee utilization have an impact on the cost of the health plan. While employee premium rates will increase in 2025, the employer contribution will cover the greatest part of the increases.

See below premium rates for your employee type.

HSA Employee Contribution: The employee maximum contribution to the Health Savings Account for Health Savings participants will increase in 2025 (employee maximum contribution limits include employer seed funds, which will remain the same):

  • Individual - $4,300 (from $4,150 in 2024)
  • Family - $8,550 (from $8,300 in 2024)
  • Catch-up (age 55+) - $1,000 (no change)

UVA Health Plan Options

UVA offers 3 health plan options: Health Savings (formerly Basic), UVA PPO (formerly Value), and Choice Health (closes to new enrollees starting 1/1/2026). All three health plan options offer the same services but different ways of paying for these services. These options apply to full- and part-time benefits-eligible employees:

  1. Health Savings - least expensive option with highest deductible, lowest premium, and a Health Savings Account with UVA contribution of $1,000 (employee only) or $1,500 (employee + spouse, child, or family) to offset the high deductible
  2. UVA PPO - mid-range option with medium deductible, higher premium
  3. Choice Health (closes to new enrollees starting 1/1/2026 - most expensive option with lowest deductible, highest premium

When researching which option fits your needs, consider not only your health care needs, but your comfort with how you pay for your medical costs. If you prefer the less expensive option, are you financially prepared to cover 100% of your medical expenses up to your deductible?

If you are on a J Visa, or have been newly granted a J Visa during the year, you must move from the UVA Health Plan to the UVA J Visa Health Plan. These are two entirely different health plans, and moving from one to the other is allowed throughout the year in order to comply with federal health coverage requirements.

  • How the Plan Options are the Same

    • All three health plan options cover the exact same services, including prescription drugs
    • Preventive care services (in-network only) are covered at 100%, with no deductible
    • You must satisfy your annual deductible before coverage begins for most services; then you and your health plan option share the cost of covered services (co-insurance), up to the out-of-pocket maximum
    • The out-of-pocket maximum is the same for all 3 health plan options:
      • $5,500 Individual
      • $11,000 Family
    • Once you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, your health plan option pays for covered services at 100% for the rest of the year
    • You can elect coverage for you and your eligible dependents
    • Aetna is the plan administrator for medical services and prescription drug benefits
  • How the Plan Options are Different

    The services are the same for all three health plan options. It's how you pay for them that is different: 

    • Would you want to pay more in premiums up front (UVA PPO and Choice) and pay less out of pocket for using health care services throughout the year?
    • Or pay less in premiums (Health Savings) and pay more out of pocket as you use the services?
    • The premiums and deductibles are different for each health plan option.
  • Compare Plan Options

    Compare the health plan options using the resources and tools below.

    Open Enrollment Employee Only cost comparison table

    Open Enrollment Employee Plus Child cost comparison table

    Open Enrollment Employee Plus Spouse cost comparison table

    Open Enrollment Family cost comparison table

  • Eligibility Requirements for UVA Health Plan

    To be eligible for the UVA Health Plan:

    • Employee: Must be an Academic Division or Medical Center salaried employee of UVA, full- or part-time, and regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours/week

      • J visa holders are only eligible for the UVA J Visa Health option. Federal government regulations prohibit J visa holders from enrolling in the Health Savings, UVA PPO or Choice Health options.
    • Spouse:
      • For the UVA Health Plan: 

        • Must be legally recognized as a spouse in the Commonwealth of Virginia and have no access to Affordable Healthcare Coverage of minimum value (as defined by the Affordable Care Act) through their non-UVA employer; OR

        • Must have access to affordable health coverage of minimum value through their non-UVA employer but ALL of their health options are HMOs and the spouse lives outside the HMOs' defined service areas. The spouse is therefore eligible to be a dependent on the UVA employee's health coverage.

      • For UVA Dental and Davis Vision: Must be legally recognized as a spouse in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    • Children: Must be your biological, step, adopted, or foster child, or any child declared a dependent on your federal tax return for whom you are the legal guardian with permanent custody. Children are eligible to the end of the birth month in which they turn 26.

    • Children With Disabilities: Must be incapable of self-support due to a mental or physical disability. May continue beyond age 26, as long as:

      • Required documentation is approved in advance by the Aetna Claims Administrator prior to the dependent’s 26th birthday
      • They are unmarried
      • They live with you 100% of the time
      • They are declared a dependent on your federal tax return
      • For further details and additional assistance, contact Aetna Member Services at 800.987.9072, or the UVA Health Plan Ombudsman.
  • Health Savings Eligibility

    In order to enroll in the Health Savings option, you must:

    • Be eligible for UVA’s Health Savings Account (HSA) program

    • Be enrolled in a high deductible health plan (HDHP) if you are covered by another health care plan

    • Not be covered by any part of Medicaid or Tricare, or be enrolled in Medicare Part A or Part B in the year 2023

    • Not be a J Visa holder (federal government regulations prohibit J Visa holders from enrolling in the Health Savings option)

NEW: Enjoy these short videos explaining key benefit concepts:

Action Items

  • Before Open Enrollment Opens

    Just like getting an annual physical, it is a good idea to also review your benefits annually. You can do this by navigating to Workday and confirming the benefits you previously selected continue to meet the needs of you and/or your family.

    Note key dates on your calendar.

    Attend Open Enrollment presentations and benefits vendor webinars September 12 - October 2. See the schedule.

    Review how you used your health plan last year. Did you use it for:

    • Medical or dental procedures?
    • Glasses or contact lenses?
    • Changes in dependent care?
    • Replacements to medical or assistive devices?
    • Life events, like marriage, new children?

    Review how you spent any funds and used your benefits by going to your benefit accounts:

    Plan for use-or-lose benefits early with your Dependent Daycare Account and FSA.

    If you're adding a new dependent to your health plan, have your dependent verification documentation ready to upload into Workday during Open Enrollment. You will not be able to submit your benefits elections if you have added a new dependent to your health plan and have not provided the required documentation.

    Confirm home address, phone number, and add missing social security numbers for dependents in Workday.

    Review new resources: New mini videos offer explanations about key benefit concepts.

  • During Open Enrollment October 7 - 18

    Attend benefits vendor webinars through October 2. See the schedule.

    Review Benefits and Make Changes in Workday:

    • Modify medical, dental, vision benefits, if desired.
    • Re-Elect FSA/HSA - Even if you do not want to make any changes to your health, dental, or vision plans, you still need to re-elect the FSA and HSA programs for 2025 during Open Enrollment. 2024 elections for FSAs and HSAs will NOT automatically carry over to 2025.
    • Add or drop dependents, if applicable. Adding a spouse or dependent requires documentation confirming their relationship to you in order for your Open Enrollment change request to be approved. If you change your health, dental, or vision options, remember to re-add your dependents. If you add new dependents, you must upload required documentation.
    • Confirm home address, phone number, and add missing social security numbers for dependents in Workday.
    • Change supplemental retirement and life insurance options, if desired.
    • Print elections once submitted in Workday, or save as PDF.

    Look for additional Open Enrollment tasks in your Workday inbox.

  • After Open Enrollment Closes

    Don't forget to earn and record activities for your 2024 Hoos Well rewards in the Hoos Well portal by November 30, 2024.

    If you switched to Health Savings for the first time, spend down your Full FSA to $0.00 by December 31, 2024.

    Look for additional Open Enrollment tasks in your Workday inbox.

2025 UVA Health Plan Premiums

Select your employee category to see 2025 UVA Health Plan premiums. The tables will show both the Employee Premium (what you contribute each month) and the Employer Premium (what UVA contributes toward your health plan option each month).

  • Faculty, Classified Staff, Medical Center Team Members, Research Associates, Senior Professional Research Staff, and University Staff (Full-time and Part-time)

    The monthly premiums below apply to both part-time and full-time employees.

    2025 Monthly Premiums

    Monthly Rate - HEALTH SAVINGS Employee Rate Employer Rate Total Rate
    Employee $36.00 $640.00 $676.00
    Employee + Child(ren) $45.25 $1,138.00 $1,183.25
    Employee + Spouse $59.75 $1,461.50 $1,521.25
    Family $113.50 $2,083.75 $2,197.25
    Monthly Rate - UVA PPO Employee Rate Employer Rate Total Rate
    Employee $101.25 $786.75 $888.00
    Employee + Child(ren) $162.25 $1,391.75 $1,554.00
    Employee + Spouse $204.00 $1,794.00 $1,998.00
    Family $326.50 $2,559.50 $2,886.00
    Monthly Rate - CHOICE HEALTH Employee Rate Employer Rate Total Rate
    Employee $243.75 $775.00 $1,018.75
    Employee + Child(ren) $492.75 $1,290.00 $1,782.75
    Employee + Spouse $635.00 $1,657.00 $2,292.00
    Family $939.75 $2,371.00 $3,310.75
  • Housestaff

    2025 Monthly Premiums

    Monthly Rate - UVA PPO Employee Rate Employer Rate Total Rate
    Employee $73.00 $815.00 $888.00
    Employee + Child(ren) $73.25 $1,480.75 $1,554.00
    Employee + Spouse $75.00 $1,923.00 $1,998.00
    Family $75.25 $2,810.75 $2,886.00
    Monthly Rate - Choice Health Employee Rate Employer Rate Total Rate
    Employee $104.00 $914.75 $1,018.75
    Employee + Child(ren) $119.00 $1,663.75 $1,782.75
    Employee + Spouse $134.25 $2,157.75 $2,292.00
    Family $135.50 $3,175.25 $3,310.75
  • Postdoctoral Fellows

    2025 Monthly Premiums - Choice Health

    Monthly Rate UVA Postdoctoral Fellows (non-employee) Grant/Dept Rate *Total
    Single $0.00 $1,018.75 $1,018.75
    Postdoc + Child(ren) $764.00 $1,018.75 $1,782.75
    Postdoc + Spouse $1,273.25 $1,018.75 $2,292.00
    Family $2,292.00 $1,018.75 $3,310.75

    2025 Monthly Premiums - UVA PPO

    Monthly Rate UVA Postdoctoral Fellows (non-employee) Grant/Dept Rate *Total
    Single $0.00 $888.00 $888.00
    Postdoc + Child(ren) $666.00 $888.00 $1,554.00
    Postdoc + Spouse $1,110.00 $888.00 $1,998.00
    Family $1,998.00 $888.00 $2,886.00

    *In the case of external fellowships that are provided directly to postdoctoral fellows, fellowship allowances may be used to support the full cost of postdoctoral fellow health insurance.  In all cases, departments and postdoctoral fellows must account for the full costs provided above.

  • Academic Division and Medical Center Wage Employees

    2025 Monthly Premiums

    Monthly Rate - Wage Employee Rate Employer Rate Total Rate
    Employee $215.75


    Employee + Child(ren) $705.25 $436.75 $1,164.84
    Employee + Spouse $1,031.50 $436.75 $1,497.62
    Family $1,684.00 $436.75 $2,163.17

    Benefits-eligible Academic Division and Medical Center wage employees may only enroll in Wage plan option. 

COBRA Premiums

As a COBRA participant, you can choose enrollment only in the same option in which you were enrolled on your last day of coverage as an active employee, Postdoc Fellow, or Housestaff. Monthly COBRA premiums are listed below. 

COBRA participants: Visit Chard Snyder COBRA Customer Service on the web or call 888.878.6175.

  • Active Employees and Research Associates

    2025 Active Employees and Research Associates Cobra-Health Savings Cobra-UVA PPO Cobra-Choice Health
    Employee $689.52 $905.76 $1,039.13
    Employee + Child/Children $1,206.92 $1,585.08 $1,818.41
    Employee + Spouse $1,551.68 $2,037.96 $2,337.84
    Family $2,241.20 $2,943.72 $3,376.97
  • Active Academic Division and Medical Center Wage Employees

    2025 Active Wage Employees  Cobra Wage
    Employee $665.55
    Employee + Child/Children $1,164.84
    Employee + Spouse $1,497.62
    Family $2,163.17
  • Postdoctoral Fellows

    2025 Postdoctoral Fellows  Cobra UVA PPO Cobra Choice Health
    Postdoc $905.76 $1,039.13
    Postdoc + Child/Children $1,585.08 $1,818.41
    Postdoc + Spouse $2,037.96 $2,337.84
    Family $2,943.72 $3,376.97
  • Housestaff

    2025 Housestaff  Cobra UVA PPO Cobra Choice Health
    Employee $905.76 $1,039.13
    Employee + Child/Children $1,585.08 $1,818.41
    Employee + Spouse $2,037.96 $2,337.84
    Family $2,943.72 $3,376.97

UVA Health Plan Coordination With Medicare and Other Plans

If you have coverage under other group or individual plans or receive payments for an illness or injury caused by another person, the benefits you receive from this Plan may be adjusted. This may reduce the benefits you receive from this Plan. The adjustment is known as coordination of benefits (COB).

Benefits available through other groups or individual plans, contracts or other arrangements, are coordinated with this Plan. This includes automobile insurance coverage, where a health benefit is to be provided, arranged, or paid for, on an insured or uninsured basis. Members involved in an automobile accident should contact Aetna regarding COB.

“Other plans” include any other plan of dental or medical coverage provided by:

  • Group insurance or any other arrangement of group coverage for individuals, regardless of whether that plan is insured
  • Motor vehicle personal injury protection benefit (PIP) or optional motor vehicle insurance, to the extent of applicable law. Whenever legally possible, this Plan will be secondary.

  • Which Plan Pays First?

    To find out if benefits under this Plan will be reduced, Aetna must first use the rules listed below, in the order shown, to determine which plan is primary (pays its benefits first). The first rule that applies in the chart below will determine which plan pays first:

    Option IF:  THEN:
    1. One plan has a COB provision and the other plan does not The plan without a COB provision determines its benefits and pays first
    2. One plan covers you as a dependent and the other covers you as an employee or retiree

    The plan that covers you as an employee or retiree determines its benefits and pays first. Note: If you are Medicare-eligible, this rule may be reversed. Please see rule 3, below.

    3. You are eligible for Medicare and not actively working These Medicare Secondary Payer rules apply:

    - The plan that covers you as a dependent of a working spouse determines its benefits and pays first

    - Medicare pays second

    - The plan that covers you as a retired employee pays third

    4. A child’s parents are married or living together (whether or not married) The plan of the parent whose birthday occurs earlier in the calendar year determines its benefits and pays first. If both parents have the same birthday, the plan that has covered the parent the longest determines its benefits and pays first. But if the other plan does not have this “parent birthday” rule, the other plan’s COB rule applies.
    5. A child’s parents are separated or divorced with joint custody, and a court decree does not assign responsibility for the child’s health expenses to either parent, or states that both parents are responsible for the child’s health coverage The “birthday rule” described in rule 4 applies
    6. A child’s parents are separated or divorced, and a court decree assigns responsibility for the child’s health expenses to one parent The plan covering the child as the assigned parent’s dependent determines its benefits and pays first
    7. A child’s parents are separated, divorced or not living together (whether or not they have ever been married) and there is no court decree assigning responsibilities for the child’s health expenses to either parent Benefits are determined and paid in this order:

    - The plan of the custodial parent pays, then

    - The plan of the spouse of the custodial parent pays, then

    - The plan of the non-custodial parent pays, then

    - The plan of the spouse of the non-custodial parent pays.

    8. You have coverage as an active employee (that is, not as a retiree or laid off employee) and coverage as a retired or laid off employee. Or you have coverage as the dependent of an active employee and coverage as the dependent of a retired or laid off employee The plan that covers you as an active employee or as the dependent of an active employee determines its benefits and pays first. This rule is ignored if the other plan does not contain the same rule. Note: this rule does not apply if the rule 2 (above) has already determined the order of payment.
    9. You are covered under a federal or state right of continuation law (such as COBRA) The plan other than the one that covers you under a right of continuation law will determine its benefits and pay first. This rule is ignored if the other plan does not contain the same rule. Note: this rule does not apply if rule 2 (above) has already determined the order of payment.
    10. The above rules do not establish an order of payment The plan that has covered you for the longest time will determine its benefits and pay first.

    When the other plan pays first, the benefits paid under this Plan are reduced as shown here:

    • The amount this Plan would pay if it were the only coverage in place, minus
    • Benefits paid by the other plan(s)

    This prevents the sum of your benefits from being more than you would receive from just this Plan. If your other plan(s) pays benefits in the form of services rather than cash payments, the Plan uses the cash value of those services in the calculation.

  • Coordination with Medicare

    You are eligible for Medicare if you are:

    • Eligible for, and covered by, Medicare
    • Eligible for, but not covered by Medicare because you:
      • Refused Medicare coverage
      • Dropped Medicare coverage
      • Did not make a proper request for Medicare coverage

    When you are eligible for Medicare, Aetna must determine whether this Plan or Medicare is the primary plan.

    When This Plan is Primary

    This Plan is primary, and Medicare is secondary, if a covered person is eligible for Medicare and falls into one of the following categories unless eligible for Medicare due to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD):

    • An active employee, regardless of age
    • A totally disabled employee who is:
      • Not terminated or retired
      • Not receiving Social Security retirement or Social Security disability benefits
    • A Medicare-eligible dependent spouse of:
      • An active employee
      • A totally disabled employee who is not terminated or retired
    • Any other person for whom this Plan’s benefits are payable to comply with federal law

    When this Plan is the primary plan, Aetna will not take Medicare benefits into consideration when determining the benefits payable by the Plan.

    End-Stage Renal Disease

    This Plan is primary for the first 30 months after any covered person becomes eligible for Medicare due to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). The Plan will pay benefits for a covered expense first, before Medicare benefits are available.

    Medicare becomes the primary plan, and this Plan is secondary, beginning with the 31st month of Medicare eligibility due to ESRD. If you’re eligible for Medicare only because of permanent kidney failure, your Medicare coverage will end 12 months after the month in which you stop dialysis treatments or 36 months after the month in which you have a kidney transplant.

    When Medicare is Primary

    Medicare is the primary plan, and this Plan is secondary, if a covered person is eligible for Medicare and does not fall into one of the categories above or is in their 31st month or later of Medicare eligibility due to ESRD.

    These rules are based on regulations issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and may be amended or changed at any time. It is the intent of the Plan to abide by the Medicare Secondary Payer Rules. If the Plan in any way conflicts with regulations issued by CMS, the Plan will pay Benefits in accordance with CMS regulations.

Additional Information

  • Dependents: While reviewing your benefit elections, be sure to check any dependent information listed and confirm that each dependent’s social security number, birth date, and continued eligibility for coverage is accurate. Now is the time to drop ineligible dependents.
  • FAMIS Virginia’s Affordable Health Care for Children: To see if you qualify for FAMIS, go to Cover Virginia and call 1.855.242.8282, Option 8 to apply.


Tina was the very best HR person. She explained issues so I could understand. She walked me through the steps to change my plans. Her customer service skills were over the top! Can I just say she was a ray of sunshine in my day!! Greatly appreciate her kindness. Stephanie Mills, Senior Administrative Assistant, O&A, University Hospital

FAQs - UVA Health Plan

  • Can married UVA employees share a UVA health plan?

    Yes, two UVA spouses may choose who covers and who waives, or they may have separate plans.

    An employee's non-UVA spouse who has access to health benefits that meet affordability and minimum value standards as defined by the Affordable Care Act is generally not eligible for coverage as a dependent on the employee's UVA Health Plan. However:

    • Spouses whose remote employer offers affordable health care that provides minimum value, but ALL of their health options are HMOs and the spouse lives outside the HMOs' defined service areas, are eligible to be a dependent on the UVA employee's health coverage. 
  • How do I decide what health plan option is best for me?

    You can map out what you’ll need from your benefits in 2024 by reviewing how you’ve used them in 2023 and thinking about anything new you might need next year. Reviewing how you’ve spent funds and used benefits over the last year can be a huge help when selecting a plan. The following resources can help you look back, in order to take care of yourself in 2024:

    Here are helpful questions to ask yourself. Do you have: 

    • Any medical or dental procedures planned? 
    • Any upcoming glasses or contact lens needs?
    • Any changes in dependent care ?
    • A need for replacements to medical or assistive devices?
    • Potential life events — for example, new marriage, new children, or children after age 13 no longer eligible for Dependent Care FSA funds?
    • Dependents' social security numbers listed correctly in Workday?​

    Remember that choosing a health plan option is a personal choice about how you pay for health care services. The services are the same for all three health plan options. It's how you pay for them that is different. Would you want to pay more in premiums up front and pay less out of pocket for using health care services throughout the year? Or pay less in premiums and pay more out of pocket as you use the services?

  • How do preventive care services compare between the three health plan options?

    Preventive care services (in-network only) are the same for all health plan options, and are covered at 100%, with no deductible.

  • Wage Employees and the Affordable Care Act

    The Affordable Care Act Employer mandates that large employers (50+ employees) must offer health insurance that is affordable and provides minimum value to 95% of their full-time employees (or FTE equivalent) and their children up to age 26, or be subject to penalties.

    What are the requirements for Academic Wage employees?

    The Commonwealth has specific guidelines built within the Manpower Control Program that UVA is required to follow regarding working hour limitation for wage employees. This is a budgeting requirement, and we are mandated by the guidelines as a state institution of higher education.

    Are there limitations regarding hours worked for Academic Wage employees?

    Wage employees cannot work more than an average of 29 hours per week in a 12-month measurement. All wage employees are monitored through weekly reporting, and terminated prior to reaching 1500 hours.

    What are the requirements for Medical Center Wage employees?

    The Medical Center is not mandated by the Commonwealth, and as such they do offer benefits to wage employees who meet the ACA mandate.

    Wage employees who average 30 hours per week in the 12-month measurement period are eligible for the Wage option (no HSA).

    Academic division and medical center FT/PT employees who transfer to a wage position within the plan year may also qualify based on their hours.

    What time frame are wage employees' hours monitored?

    October to October. The plan is effective 1/1 through 12/31 of the current plan year.

  • What's the difference between a beneficiary and a dependent?

    dependent is a person who is eligible to be covered by you under the health, dental and vision plans. A beneficiary can be a person or a legal entity that is designated by you to receive a benefit, such as life insurance.

    A spouse included in your medical coverage and designated as a recipient of your life insurance is both a dependent and a beneficiary.

    For another example, a parent is not an eligible dependent for medical coverage but could be designated as a beneficiary.

    For additional details about required documentation for eligible dependents, visit the Open Enrollment Eligibility 2025 webpage.

  • Who is eligible for the UVA Health, Dental, and Vision Plans?

    Detailed information about eligibility for the UVA Health, Dental, and Vision Plans can be found on the Eligibility 2025 webpage. In a nutshell, the Plans are open to:

    • UVA Academic and Health System salaried employees, full-time or part-time working at least 20 hours/week, except J visa holders, who are eligible for the UVA J Visa Health Plan
    • Spouses of eligible UVA employees (some exception noted on the Eligibility 2025 webpage)
    • Children of eligible UVA employees - children (as defined on the Eligibility 2025 webpage) are eligible through their birthday at age 26, or longer if documented to have mental or physical disabilities (see the Eligibility 2025 webpage for more details)

    The Health Savings option has some additional requirements; please visit the Eligibility 2025 webpage for those details.

  • How does cost-sharing work between me and the UVA Health Plan?

    Below is a simple illustration of how deductibles, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums work for a single employee on Health Savings. For additional examples, please call Aetna for customized scenarios based on your preferred health plan option and potential future health care expenses.

    cost-share illustratiobn

  • Where can I obtain a flu vaccine? What is the cost?

    UVA employees and their dependents, covered by the UVA Health Plan may obtain a flu shot through their Primary Care Physician, or at a pharmacy in Aetna's National Pharmacy Network, if you present your Aetna ID card at the pharmacy.

    Flu vaccines are covered at no cost, as a preventive service through the UVA Aetna Health Plan. When obtained through an in-network Primary Care Physician, or at a pharmacy in  Aetna's National Pharmacy Network. 

    Here is a list of vaccine providers within the Aetna network.  

    If you went to a participating pharmacy and were charged for your flu vaccine, you can submit a reimbursement to Aetna. Complete steps 1-25 in the reimbursement form, and attach your receipt and other supporting documentation.

FAQs - UVA Health Plan and Medicare

  • Can I sign up for the Health Savings or the Health Savings HSA if I’m enrolling in Medicare?

    No. If you plan to enroll in Medicare, you are not eligible to sign up for Health Savings and are not eligible for a Health Savings HSA. The UVA Health Plan does not allow movement from one health plan option to another during the year for any reason. Therefore, you cannot move from Health Savings to UVA PPO or Choice Health or vice versa anytime during 2025 if you are thinking about enrolling in Medicare for the same year. You will be out of compliance with IRS which may incur a penalty and will have to address this when you complete your 2024 tax returns.

    When considering health plan options during Open Enrollment, make sure your choices for the following calendar year are appropriate for the entire year.

  • Can I sign up for Health Savings or the Health Savings HSA if my spouse on my UVA Health Plan is enrolled in Medicare?

    Yes. You may use HSA funds for your spouse even if your spouse is on Medicare. The spouse must be declared on your federal income taxes as a dependent (i.e. filing jointly), and the expense in question is not already covered by Medicare. Otherwise, if the expense is eligible, not already covered by the health plan, and your spouse is a tax dependent, then you may use HSA funds to pay for it.

    You and your Medicare-eligible dependent will still receive $1,500 seed money for your Health Savings HSA.

  • Do I (or my spouse) have to enroll in Medicare once I turn 65? I am already enrolled in the UVA Health Plan.

    You do not have to enroll in Medicare until you end your employment with UVA. Your benefits counselor will provide you with the form CMS-L564 to negate the late enrollment penalty. 

    You can choose to enroll in part A, and waive part B, but this will terminate your eligibility for the HDHP (Health Savings). 

FAQs - UVA Health Plan and J Visa

FAQs - Prescription Drug Program

  • How do my deductible, coinsurance, and min/max tiers work with prescription drugs?

    Health Savings participants have a deductible that applies to both medical and prescription costs. You must pay for covered health care services and prescriptions up to your deductible amount before the UVA Health Plan begins to pay. 

    UVA PPO and Choice Health participants have a deductible that applies to both medical and prescription costs for tier 2 and tier 3 retail drugs. You must pay for covered prescriptions up to your deductible amount before the UVA Health Plan begins to pay for tier 2 and tier 3 retail prescriptions. Tier 1 medications and specialty prescriptions are not subject to the deductible.

    The table below shows costs for retail pharmacy outside of UVA pharmacies (such as CVS, Kroger, etc.); excludes specialty prescriptions and mail order prescriptions.

    Tier Choice Health UVA PPO Health Savings

    Tier 1

    Generic, low cost

    $6 co-pay

    30-day supply

    $6 co-pay

    30-day supply

    Deductible + 20% for up to 90-day supply

    Tier 2

    Brand, Preferred

    Deductible + 20%

    $34 min/$200 max

    30-day supply

    Deductible + 20%

    $34 min/$200 max

    30-day supply

    Deductible + 20% for up to 90-day supply

    Tier 3

    Brand, Non-Preferred

    Deductible + 20%

    $68 min/$275 max

    30-day supply

    Deductible + 20%

    $68 min/$275 max

    30-day supply

    Deductible + 20% for up to 90-day supply


  • Where can I find more information about prescription coverage?

    You can find information on our Prescription Drug Program 2025 webpage.

    If you need additional details, contact Aetna for assistance.

  • Where can I obtain my specialty medication?

    To get specialty prescription drugs, you must use the UVA Specialty Pharmacy, which can be reached at 434.297.5500 or by email.

Having trouble finding what you’re looking for?

We strive to make the information on every webpage clear and easy to find. For benefits questions or concerns, or questions about Open Enrollment, please contact the HR Solution Center by phone at 434.243.3344, or by email at AskHR@virginia.edu.

Please let the HR Communications team know if you're having trouble finding what you're looking for on these webpages, so we can improve your experience on this page in the future. 

For previous Open Enrollment email communications, see the right sidebar box on this page labeled "Open Enrollment Emails."


*Note for Postdoctoral Fellows: The Open Enrollment process for all Postdoctoral Fellows (non-UVA employees) is managed through UVA Human Resources. For additional information specific to Postdoctoral Fellows, contact Corinne Clasbey or Rachel Short.