Manager Toolkit

Manager Toolkit

Corrective and progressive disciplinary actions at UVA follow the principles of due process and will employ a range of actions that are applied based on the nature and history of the misconduct or unacceptable performance. The ultimate goal of corrective or progressive disciplinary action as applied through the Standards of Conduct policy and its procedures, is designed to assist employees in successfully contributing to the University’s mission and goals.

These resources are designed to help managers perform their responsibilities related to maintaining a fair and equitable work environment. Start here with these Workday Learning offerings, or consult the timeline below for 2025 Open Registration course offerings:

Corrective and Progressive Disciplinary Actions

Corrective actions, whether informal or formal, must depend on:

  • The nature, consequence, (or potential consequence) of the employee’s conduct or performance and/or;
  • Related circumstances and mitigating factors, if any exist.

The process begins with counseling, either informal (verbal or written) or formal. If the initial corrective action is unsuccessful, or the nature of the conduct warrants immediate action, disciplinary action will be communicated via a formal Written Notice document listing the Group Offense type (1, 2, or 3) in accordance with the severity or repetition of the offense.

If managers have concerns about employee job performance, or behavioral conduct, they may engage with Employee Relations for guidance with the progressive disciplinary process. When considering disciplinary action, managers should focus on job duties and the employee’s ability to perform satisfactorily. Critical factors include reviews of previous counseling with the employee, actions in similar cases, similarly situated employees, and mitigating circumstances.

When this has been unsuccessful, use the resources below to take action and please consult your Employee Relations Consultant.

ADA Policies and Procedures

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Medical Center Managers: Guidelines for Staff Requests for Reassignment

Consistent with UVA’s Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity, its policy on Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment, Medical Center policy and the ASPIRE values, staff are expected to provide care and treatment to all patients without regard to age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, and family medical or genetic information.  Therefore, requests for reassignment based on these characteristics will not be permitted, unless required by law or clinically indicated.  In such circumstances, managers and supervisors should contact Employee Relations for guidance. 

Staff may request reassignment in rare circumstances and managers/supervisors will maintain discretion in accommodating staffing reassignment requests, as appropriate, to meet staffing and operational needs within their unit/clinic. Please review the guidelines below, which are intended to assist managers/supervisors in responding to staff requests for reassignment and facilitate compliance with applicable state and federal laws and Medical Center, UVA Health, and University policies.

Guidelines for Staff Requests for Reassignment (Medical Center)

Open Registration Events, 2025

Feb. 17, 1-3 p.m. | In Person


As a follow-up to the Progressive Discipline workshop, this hands-on working session dives into the practice of successfully documenting employee performance or conduct concerns on a Written Notice. 

Location: Old Ivy Hall, Rms. 131 and 133

Register HERE.

Mar. 24, 12-1:30 p.m. | Virtual


This comprehensive workshop is designed to share a step-by-step action plan for successfully navigating the review and implementation of workplace and disability accommodations for employees.

Register HERE.

Apr. 1, 2:30-4:30 p.m. | Virtual


Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop on this popular management topic. We’ll enjoy activities, group discussion and will analyze sample case studies to build your skills in the proactive management and application of existing policy and procedure.

Register HERE.

May 19, 1-3 p.m. | In Person


Join us for an engaging and interactive in-person workshop on this popular management topic. We’ll enjoy activities, group discussion and will analyze sample case studies to build your skills in the proactive management and application of existing policy and procedure.

Location: Old Ivy Hall, Rm. 133

Register HERE.

Jun 23, 12-1:30 p.m. | Virtual


This comprehensive workshop is designed to share a step-by-step action plan for successfully navigating the review and implementation of workplace and disability accommodations for employees.

Register HERE.