Prepare for Retirement

Prepare for Retirement

Planning for retirement means planning for a secure financial future. Take advantage of the many resources available, including meetings with TIAA, Fidelity, or Voya and the financial tools they offer, as well as exploring the information, action items, and resources provided below.


    Find contact information on the right side of this page

    Log into MYVRS for retirement estimates, payout options, and more.


    Read details

    Contact the HR Solution Center

    for support in transitioning to retirement.

When Can I Retire?

Eligibility to be considered a UVA retiree varies by retirement plan:

  • VRS Plan Participants

    VRS Plan 1​​​​​

    Unreduced Retirement

    Normal retirement age under VRS Plan 1 is age 65. You become eligible for an unreduced benefit at age 65 with at least five years of service credit or at age 50 with at least 30 years of service credit.

    Reduced Retirement

    You may retire with a reduced benefit as early as age 55 with at least five years of service credit or age 50 with at least 10 years of service credit. To determine your reduced benefit, VRS applies an early retirement reduction factor to your unreduced basic benefit.

    VRS Plan 2

    Unreduced Retirement

    Normal retirement age under VRS Plan 2 is your normal Social Security retirement age. You become eligible for an unreduced benefit when you reach your normal Social Security retirement age and have at least five years of service credit or when your age and service credit equal 90. Example: Age 60 with 30 years of service credit.

    Reduced Retirement

    You may retire with a reduced benefit as early as age 60 with at least five years of service credit. To determine your reduced benefit, VRS applies an early retirement reduction factor to your unreduced basic benefit.

    VRS Hybrid

    Unreduced Retirement

    You become eligible for an unreduced retirement benefit under the defined benefit component when you reach your normal Social Security retirement age and have at least five years of service credit or when your age and service equal 90 (Rule of 90) and you have at least five years of service credit. Example: Age 60 with 30 years of service credit.

    Reduced Retirement

    You may retire with a reduced benefit as early as age 60 if you have at least five years of service credit. To determine your reduced benefit, VRS applies an early retirement reduction factor to your unreduced basic benefit.


    Leaving Employment Prior to VRS Retirement Eligibility

    If you leave VRS-covered employment before retirement, you can:

    • Leave your funds with VRS and become a deferred member. If you are vested, you may be eligible for a future retirement benefit if you meet the age and service requirements for your plan; or
    • Take a refund of your member contributions and interest. Taking a refund cancels your membership and eligibility for any future benefits.

    Before you decide:

    • Remember that choices you make now may have a significant impact on your future retirement.
    • Read the leaving employment section of the VRS Handbook for your plan.
    • Review information on the VRS website.
    • Speak to a VRS representative at 888.827.3847.
  • Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) and Medical Center Retirement Plan (MCRP) Participants

    If you are enrolled in the Optional Retirement Plan or Medical Center Retirement Plan, you may qualify as a UVA retiree based on your most recent hire date and years of service:

    Hired before 7/1/2010

    • age 55 with at least five years of benefited service, or age 50 with at least 10 years of benefited service

    Hired on or after 7/1/2010

    • age 60 with at least five years of benefited service or when your age and benefited service equal 90

    Leaving Employment Prior to Retirement Eligibility

    • If you separate from UVA but you are not eligible to retire, you will retain your own contributions into the plan. 
    • You must meet the vesting requirements for your plan in order to retain employer contributions.


    All invested funds are subject to investment gains or losses.

Getting Ready to Retire

  • Action Items/Timeline

    Please note that preparation for retirement varies by situation and individual. This list is intended as a general suggestion only and is not all-inclusive. 

    • At least four - six months before retirement
      Contact your vendor to discuss financial readiness to retire and any questions about distributions.
    • Four months before retirement
      If you are retiring at age 65 or over and not continuing on a working spouse's coverage, begin learning about Medicare and Medicare supplement plans. See additional Medicare resources below. 
    • Three months before retirement
      Contact to request a retirement appointment with a UVA HR Benefits Counselor (Virtual/Zoom options readily available; please let us know if you need a different arrangement).
      • Please note that benefits counselors cannot provide financial or tax advice.
    • Two - three months before retirement
      • If over 65, enroll in Medicare (parts A, B, D and supplement plan as applicable). Meet with JABA or other agency for additional assistance.
      • If under 65, ensure you have a plan for other health insurance when your UVA coverage ends. Your UVA coverage ends at the end of the month in which you separate. 
      • Apply for Social Security unless you are delaying benefits.
      • ORP or MCRP plan participants: complete necessary forms to retire from UVA; these will be provided by your HR Benefits counselor. 
      • VRS plan participants: complete your retirement application online through MyVRS. Let your HR Benefits Counselor know when you retire online.
    • Giving Notice
      Provide your supervisor/department with written notice of your retirement and last date of employment. Request any time off desired prior to retirement.


  • Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Options

    You may have several options for your VRS retirement defined benefit (pension) payment, depending on your plan and when you retire

    • Basic Benefit: Receive the highest monthly income available when you retire; will not transfer to survivors.
    • 10% - 100% Survivor Option: This reduces your monthly benefit in order to leave a percentage of your retirement income to a survivor.
    • Partial Lump Sum Option Payment (PLOP): Receive a lump-sum distribution at retirement in exchange for a lower monthly benefit; this is only available if you have worked past full VRS retirement age for one to three years.
    • Advance Pension Option (APO): Receive a higher benefit in your early years after retirement and before receiving social security benefits, then reduce the benefit when your social security starts.

    More information on VRS payout options.

    If you were hired prior to 2000 and have disability credits, please ask your HR benefits counselor about your options at retirement. 

    If you did not join the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (remaining in the traditional sick plan), and have a traditional sick leave balance, please ask your HR benefits counselor about your options at retirement.

  • Optional Retirement Plan (ORP)

    The ORP is a defined contribution plan; check your account balance to determine your funds for retirement. Set up a consultation with your retirement plan representative (Fidelity or TIAA) to discuss financial readiness to retire, distribution options, and any questions you may have. 

    Contact TIAA, log in to your account, and more

    Account login 
    Meet with a representative

    Contact Fidelity, log in to your account, and more

    Account login
    Meet with a representative
    Fidelity Resources

    ORP Summary

    Optional Retirement Plan Summary

    For more information about how the ORP works, visit the ORP page.

  • Medical Center Retirement Plan (MCRP)

    The MCRP is a defined contribution plan; check your account balance to determine your funds for retirement. Set up a consultation with your retirement plan representative (Fidelity or TIAA) to discuss financial readiness to retire, distribution options, and any questions you may have.

    Contact Fidelity, log in to your account, and more

    Account login
    Meet with a representative
    Fidelity Resources

    Contact TIAA, log in to your account, and more

    Account login 
    Meet with a representative


    MCRP Summary

    Medical Center Retirement Program 

    For more information about how the MCRP works, visit the MCRP page.

Medicare and Social Security

  • Medicare

    • When you retire at age 65 or older, you need to enroll in Medicare unless you will be covered on a employed spouse's qualifying employer coverage
    • Learn more about the cost of Medicare and whether you may be subject to IRMAA - Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount - based on earnings.
    • If you are retiring later than your initial age 65 Medicare enrollment period, when you enroll in Medicare you should include an employer form certifying your UVA health coverage after turning 65 to avoid a late enrollment penalty. Your UVA HR benefits counselor can complete and provide this form to you. 



  • Social Security

    If you haven’t already done so, create an account with my Social Security where you can see estimates, earnings history, and even apply for your benefit online. 

    You may wish to speak with a Social Security Administration representative and/or a financial advisor to discuss your options for when to take your Social Security Retirement Income.

    You may take partial benefits at age 62. The Social Security Administration will pay you an additional 8% per year once you reach your full retirement age if you elect to take your retirement at a later date. You must take it at age 70. For an overview of retirement age effects on benefits, visit the Social Security Administration website.

    You also have the option to file-and-suspend. If you have a spouse who is receiving their full retirement benefit, you may file-and-suspend your benefit and request to take one-half of your spouse’s full benefit amount. This does not affect the amount of retirement benefit received by your spouse. This will allow you to continue to earn the additional 8% per year until you reach 70. At that time you can file to take your full retirement benefit

    The Charlottesville area District Social Security Administration office is located at 1470 Pantops Mountain Place and can be reached by telephone at 1-800-772-1213.  You can find booklets online as well as a local office locator at the Social Security Administration homepage.

Life Insurance in Retirement

  • VRS Retirees: Securian Life Insurance

    • If you meet the eligibility requirements to retire with VRS and are enrolled in Securian Life*, you will have a reduced basic life insurance coverage.
    • The coverage at the time of retirement reduces by 25% each January first starting one calendar year after retirement, until coverage reaches 25% of the original value at the time of your retirement.
    • VRS Optional Group life options at retirement; refer to "Just for Retirees" tab

    *Note: If you are a Medical Center employee in VRS, but enrolled in life insurance with The Standard and not Securian life, your retiree life insurance remains with The Standard and provides a death benefit of $10,000 payable to your designated beneficiaries upon your death (See "The Standard Life Insurance" below). The above VRS Securian life information does not apply to participants in The Standard.

  • MCRP and ORP Retirees: The Standard Life Insurance

    UVA provides $10,000 in life insurance to eligible retired members who have The Standard life insurance at retirement. We encourage you to update your beneficiaries at retirement.

    The Standard offers an opportunity for conversion of your optional or remaining basic life at retirement. 

Health Insurance Credit

  • Eligibility for Health Insurance Credit

    Some retirees may be eligible for a health insurance credit (HIC). The HIC is a VRS benefit available to UVA retirees enrolled in VRS, ORP, or MCRP with 15 years or more of non-refunded benefited service in the retirement plan. This is a benefit paid directly to the retiree by VRS to help offset health insurance costs in retirement. The benefit is $4.25 per month for every year of benefited, non-refunded service; however, the benefit cannot exceed your premiums for health insurance each month (includes Medicare).

    More information

Payout of Unused Leave

  • University Staff

    • You will be paid for unused, accrued UStaff time off not to exceed the maximum payment amount upon separation. Leave that exceeds the maximum payment is forfeited.
    • Check your leave balance in Workday using today’s date or your future end date by navigating to Workday>Menu (top left)>Absence>View Absence Balance
    • All time off requests prior to your retirement date are subject to supervisor approval and should be requested in advance through Workday.
    • For information on other leave types, please inquire during your retirement appointment or contact
  • Classified Staff

    • You will be paid for unused, accrued annual leave not to exceed the maximum payment amount upon separation. Leave that exceeds the maximum payment is forfeited.
    • Check your leave balance in Workday using today’s date or your future end date by navigating to Workday>Menu (top left)>Absence>View Absence Balance
    • All time off requests prior to your retirement date are subject to supervisor approval and should be requested in advance through Workday.
    • For information on other leave types, please inquire during your retirement appointment or contact
  • Medical Center

    • You will be paid for unused, accrued PTO.

    • Check your leave balance in Workday using today’s date or your future end date by navigating to Workday>Menu (top left)>Absence>View Absence Balance. Please note that there is a lag time between when time off is entered in Kronos and when it appears in Workday.
    • All time off requests prior to your retirement date are subject to supervisor approval and should be requested in advance.
    • For information on other leave types, please inquire during your retirement appointment or contact

Taxation of Retirement Benefits

Retirement plan contributions are usually made with before-tax dollars, so federal income taxes are deferred until you begin taking withdrawals later on.

No taxes are due on pretax contributions and earnings until the money is withdrawn, but because these plans are intended primarily for retirement, you can generally withdraw funds only after termination of employment or age 59½ (subject to plan rules). If you withdraw funds before age 59½, they may be subject to an additional 10% early-withdrawal penalty.

  • VRS Taxation

    • Your VRS retirement income is subject to federal income tax
    • If you plan to reside in the Commonwealth of Virginia during retirement, your VRS retirement benefit is subject to state income tax

    VRS tax information

    Please contact your tax advisor for additional guidance.

  • ORP and MCRP Taxation

    Retirement plan contributions are usually made with before-tax dollars; federal income taxes are deferred until withdrawals later on.

    No taxes are due on pretax contributions and earnings until the money is withdrawn, but because these plans are intended primarily for retirement, you can generally withdraw funds only after termination of employment or age 59½ (subject to plan rules). If you withdraw funds before age 59½, they may be subject to an additional 10% early-withdrawal penalty.

    Please contact your tax advisor for additional guidance.

  • 403(b) and 457 Savings

    403(b) and 457 plan contributions can be made with pretax dollars or Roth after-tax contributions.

    No taxes are due on pretax contributions and earnings until the money is withdrawn. Roth contributions are tax-free when withdrawn and Roth earnings can be withdrawn tax-free as long as it has been five tax years since your first Roth 403(b) contribution. Because these plans are intended primarily for retirement, you can generally withdraw funds only after termination of employment or age 59½ (subject to plan rules). If you withdraw funds before age 59½, they may be subject to an additional 10% early-withdrawal penalty.

    Please contact your tax advisor for additional guidance.

    Contact your retirement plan vendor for more information.

  • Required Minimum Distribution

    You generally have to start taking withdrawals from your retirement plan accounts by April 1 following the later of the calendar year in which you:

    • reach age 73 (age 75 if born 1960 or later) or
    • retire (if your plan allows this)

    Contact your retirement plan vendor for more information.

Return to Work Policy for Retirees

After you retire, you can work for an employer who does not participate in VRS and continue to receive your retirement benefits.

If you return to covered (benefited) employment with a VRS-participating employer (even if you participate in the ORP or MCRP), you will become an active member and your retirement benefits will stop.

Retirees who accept non-covered employment* with the same employer must have a bona-fide break in service of at least one full calendar month from their retirement date to continue receiving retirement benefits. This break must occur over a period the employee would normally work. Periods of leave with or without pay, summer breaks, and intersession periods do not count toward satisfying this break in service.

*Non-covered employment includes temporary, part-time hourly, and adjunct faculty positions that do not provide VRS, ORP, or MCRP benefits; cannot exceed 1,500 hours per calendar year.

See Working after Retirement for more information on this VRS policy. 


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VRS Participants: Are You Ready to Retire?

This presentation is for current Plan 1 and Plan 2 members (hired before January 1, 2014) and guides you through important retirement decisions.