Workday Training for Managers

Last updated February 25, 2025 at 10:25 AM

Make the Most out of Being a Manager in Workday

Workday provides managers the means to conduct HR tasks for their employees through self-service.

Manager Responsibilities

The Manager Essentials page provides an overview of all major activities for which you are responsible, as well as links to helpful resources. Many of these activities involve tasks completed in Workday, including:

Weekly/Bi-weekly Responsibilities:

  • Review/Approve Time
  • Approve Time Off & Absence Requests

Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Responsibilities:

  • View Use/Lose Balances
  • Check Training Compliance
  • Compensation Changes
  • Performance Check-in and Feedback

Workday Guidance

Expand the categories below for task-specific guidance and links to our job aids on UVA HR's Confluence site. Job aids are frequently revised to provide the most up-to-date step-by-step instruction and visual guidance for completing HR-related tasks in Workday.

Note for Delegates: You can only initiate tasks you are delegated. View the Delegate Tasks page on the HR Website for additional information.

  • Compensation

    Compensation is how employees are paid, though the manner in which employees are compensated may differ. Use the training materials in this section to guide you through the various Compensation areas in Workday.

    Task (Workday Link) Overview Guidance

    The Request Compensation Change process in Workday enables managers/administrators to request changes to an employee's compensation for a number of reasons, as detailed on the UVA Human Resources Compensation webpage.

    Request Compensation Change Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info:

    Compensation webpage

    The One-Time Payment process is used to compensate an employee, one-time, for various reasons (e.g., Signing Bonuses, Spot Bonuses, ASPIRE Bonuses, etc.).

    Request One-Time-Payment Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info:

    Compensation webpage


    Period Activity Pay is a compensation element that pays an employee a set amount of money over a set period of time, for a specific activity (e.g., Faculty taking on Summer Research, or a Graduate Student Teaching Assistant, etc.).

    Manage Period Activity Pay Assignments Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info:

    Compensation webpage

    The Compensation Review business process is used to conduct various compensation review processes, including:

    • Merit
    • Bonuses
    • Promotions

    Compensation review Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info:

    Compensation webpage

  • Delegation

    Delegation allows managers/leaders to appoint another employee (delegate) to initiate or perform certain tasks on their behalf.

    Refer to the HR Delegation webpage for details on delegating HCM-related tasks.

    For details on Finance delegations, refer to the Delegation Overview & Best Practices document on the UVA Finance site.

    Task (Workday Link) Overview Guidance

    Managers/Leaders use the My Delegations report to manage/maintain (add/update/remove) delegation assignments. 

    My Delegations Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More info (HR): 

    Workday Delegations Webpage

    More Info (Finance): 

    Delegation Overview & Best Practices


  • Learning

    Workday Learning is a Learning Management System that offers training courses, compliance education, and skill development tailored to individual roles and career paths. The Workday Learning Essentials page provides detailed information and guidance on what's available and what actions you can take to manage learning for your team.

    Task (Workday Link) Overview Guidance

    Already know the course you want to enroll your team in? Use the Manager Enroll task in Workday to get your team enrolled in the content. 

    Mass Enroll Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    Learning Manager Essentials Webpage

    Not sure what content you want to enroll your team in? Use the Browse Learning Content report to find content for your team. 

    Mass Enroll Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    Learning Manager Essentials Webpage

  • Performance

    Performance management is a collaborative, ongoing feedback process between the manager and the employee.

    Visit the Performance Management webpage for detailed information on Performance Management at UVA. 

    Task (Workday Link) Overview Guidance
    • Feedback

    As a manager, you can use Feedback in the following ways:

    Feedback Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    Performance Management: Feedback

  • Recruiting

    Find the best professionals to join your team with Recruiting. From creating a position, to posting a position and processing applicants, Recruiting is your go to area in Workday.

    Task (Workday Link) Overview Guidance

    Have you and your Leadership team determine a new staffing need AND you're ready to post the position? Use Create Job Requisition to post a position. 

    Note: You can Create a New Position (or choose an existing position) and Post it all within the Create Job Requisition process. 

    Job Requisition Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    UVA Hiring Process Webpage

    • Job Application

    Once you have an active Job Requisition, and candidates have applied for the job, you'll start navigating the Job Application process, which is comprised of several steps all of which are delivered to your Workday Inbox

    • Screen
    • Interview
    • Offer

    Note: some steps of the Job Application process are completed outside of Workday; please work with your Recruiter/Talent Acquisition team member if you have any questions about the recruiting process.

    Job Application (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    UVA Hiring Process Webpage

  • Staffing

    Staffing is the area of Workday that is all about managing your team/the positions on your team, from adding positions, changing positions, and then closing positions. 

    If you know what task you need to complete, refer to the table below for Workday and Job Aid links. 

    If you have questions about the Staffing area, in general, contact your HR Business Partner

    Task (Workday Link) Overview Guidance

    Managers/Administrators will use the Simplified Change Job task to enter the following types of changes: 

    • Change Supervisor
    • Change Work Location
    • Change Work Hours
    • Change Emergency Event/Designation Status
    • Promotion with Pay Change
    • RN Clinical Career Ladder Advancement
    Change Job Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    Before using the Change Job task, speak with your HR Business Partner to discuss the change. 

    Managers/Administrators will use the Change Job task to enter changes to worker positions that are not covered within the Simplified Change Job options, including but not limited to: 

    • Transfers
    • Promotions
    • Demotions

    Use the Change Job task only in consultation with your HR Business Partner. 

    Change Job Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    Your employee's Business Title describes their position's work (e.g., Professor of Philosophy) beyond the title associated with the worker's Job Profile.

    Title Change Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)
    • Hire Employee

    Note: managers/administrators should only use the Hire process to hire Student/certain Wage employees. If you think you need to use the Hire process, but aren't sure, speak with your HR Business Partner

    There are two Hire processes managers/admins might use: 

    • Hire Student (Opens in Workday)
      • When hiring Student workers. 
    • Hire Employee (Opens in Workday)
      • When hiring certain Wage employees. 
    Hire Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    If you need to add a position to an employee who is already an active worker at UVA, you'll use the Add Additional Job task. 

    Note: managers/administrators should only hire/add Student workers/certain types of Wage employees. If you think you need to use the Add Job process, but aren't sure, speak with your HR Business Partner

    Add Additional Job (Opens in Confluence)

    If you need to adjust certain organization assignments (e.g., Cost Center, or Fund) for a worker/position you supervise/support, you'll use this task to carry out the changes. 

    Change Organization Assignments Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)
    If you need to move one/many workers/positions to another manager, you can use Move Workers or Simplified Change Job.  Move Workers Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)
    In certain scenarios, you may need to move a position out of the 'Primary' position, in which case you'll use the Switch Primary Job task. Switch Primary Job Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    When employees separate from UVA completely, you'll use the Terminate Employee task to start the process of separating them from employment with UVA. 

    Note: employees transferring to other organizations at UVA do not require a termination be entered and, instead, are handled following the Job Application process. 

    Terminate Employee Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)
    If you supervise/support an employee's additional position (non-primary position) and the additional position is ending, you'll use the End Additional Job task to start the process.  End Additional Job Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)
    If you have a vacant/unfilled position on your team that is not going to be posted for backfill/replacement, you will use the Close Position task to close the position.  Close Position Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)
  • System Access Requests

    The System Access Requests application, a customized solution developed by UVA, enables Workday users and managers to create, manage, and view System Access Requests.

    Title Overview Guidance

    System Access Requests

    The System Access Requests application allows you to request additional Workday access/security for yourself/your team. 

    System Access Requests Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    System Access Requests Webpage

  • Time & Absence

    As a manager, you can carry out many tasks and analyses related to your employees' time and absence. For Academic and UPG managers, the Time and Scheduling Hub in Workday provides a comprehensive starting point to carry out many of the functions listed in the table below and more.

    For UVA Health managers, time and absence is managed through Kronos. Please refer to the Kronos Training resources for information on managing time and absence for UVA Health team members.

    Task (Workday Link) Overview Guidance

    The Enter Time for Worker task enables managers of hourly/wage employees outside of the UVA Health to create and correct time entries on their employees' behalf.

    For guidance on how to create or modify time entries for your employees through Workday, refer to the Enter Time Job Aid.

    Enter Time Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    Time Off Webpage

    The Request Absence task in Workday allows managers of hourly/wage employees outside of the UVA Health to submit requests for time off for themselves or on behalf of their employees.

    Request Time Off Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    Time Off Webpage

    The Manage Absence report in Workday allows you to view, correct, or cancel pending and approved absence requests for yourself or on behalf of your employees (non-UVA Health).

    Request Time Off Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    Time Off Webpage

    Want to help your direct reports plan Leave/PTO? To research the amount of 'Use or Lose' Leave/PTO for your direct reports consult the View Time Off Balances Job Aid.

    View Time Off Balances Job Aid (Opens in Confluence)

    More Info: 

    Time Off Webpage