Workday Learning Manager Essentials

Workday Learning Manager Essentials

Getting Started with Workday Learning

Workday Learning is a powerful tool that enables managers to assign required training, support employee development, and track team learning progress.

Visit the Workday Learning application now!


Workday Learning Tasks and Reports

The following manager Learning Tasks and Reports help you navigate and interact with the Learning application. Click a link below or scroll down to view an overview and frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Manager Enroll

The Manager Enroll (Workday link) task allows managers to enroll their team members in required or recommended training.

  • Overview

    The Manager Enroll task lets you enroll your direct reports in Workday Learning courses, ensuring they receive relevant training and allowing you to track their progress.

    Assign as Required Learning

    On the Review page, you'll see the "Assign as Required Learning" option.

    • Selecting "Yes" makes the assignment required:

      • It will appear on the employee’s "Required for You" slider.
      • You can set a due date or completion timeframe.
      • The course will stay on their Required for You slider, even if they drop it.
      • The assignment remains open until completed or waived.
    • Selecting "No" makes the assignment optional:

      • It will appear on the employee’s "Continue Learning" slider.
      • The employee can drop the course, and it will be removed from their Learning application.
      • The assignment remains open until waived.

    For any changes or to waive an assignment, whether required or optional, contact your area's learning administrator for assistance.


    If a direct report is listed as 'Ineligible,' they are likely already enrolled in the learning content. To confirm, go to their profile, click the Career tab, click the Learning tab, and check the Not Started or In Progress sections.


    If a Warning appears, it means the direct report has previously completed the learning content. To confirm the completion date, go to their profile, click the Career tab, click the Learning tab, and review the Learning History section. Be sure to check all columns, especially Expiration DateAttendance Status, Grade, and Score, to verify successful completion.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What if I don’t know the exact name of the course?

    Refer to the “Enroll My Team” section below for guidance on searching for learning content.

    Will my employees be notified when I enroll them in a course?

    No, Workday does not automatically send a notification. It’s best to inform your team member directly.

    How can I monitor my team’s learning progress?

    Refer to the “Learning Enrollment and Completion Report ALL” section below to track enrollment and completion status.

    Can I remove an employee from a course?

    No, managers cannot withdraw employees from courses or waive required training. Reach out to your area's learning administrator for assistance.

Enroll My Team

The Enroll My Team hyperlink enables managers to enroll their team members in required or recommended training directly from the learning content homepage.

  • Overview

    The Enroll My Team button allows managers to enroll team members in required or recommended training directly from the learning content homepage.

    Browse Learning Content

    If you're looking for content within a specific topic or want to search using keywords, use the Browse Learning Content (Workday link) report to filter and find the relevant learning materials.

    Enroll My Team

    The Enroll My Team icon and hyperlink are located on the right-hand side of the course details page.

    Assign as Required Learning

    On the Review page, you'll see the "Assign as Required Learning" option.

    • Selecting "Yes" makes the assignment required:

      • It will appear on the employee’s "Required for You" slider.
      • You can set a due date or completion timeframe.
      • The course will stay on their Required for You slider, even if they drop it.
      • The assignment remains open until completed or waived.
    • Selecting "No" makes the assignment optional:

      • It will appear on the employee’s "Continue Learning" slider.
      • The employee can drop the course, and it will be removed from their Learning application.
      • The assignment remains open until waived.

    For any changes or to waive an assignment, whether required or optional, contact your area's learning administrator for assistance.


    If a direct report is listed as 'Ineligible,' they are likely already enrolled in the learning content. To confirm, go to their profile, click the Career tab, click the Learning tab, and check the Not Started or In Progress sections.


    If a Warning appears, it means the direct report has previously completed the learning content. To confirm the completion date, go to their profile, click the Career tab, click the Learning tab, and review the Learning History section. Be sure to check all columns, especially Expiration DateAttendance Status, Grade, and Score, to verify successful completion.

    Manager Enroll (Link to Workday)
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Can I track a team member’s progress after enrolling them?

    Yes, you can track progress by reviewing the Learning Enrollment and Completion ALL report or by checking the team member’s profile under the Learning tab.

    What does it mean if a team member is listed as 'Ineligible'?

    An Ineligible status typically means the team member is already enrolled in the learning content. You can confirm this by checking their Not Started or In Progress sections in the Learning tab.

    What should I do if I see a 'Warning'?

    A Warning indicates that the team member has previously completed the learning content. To verify when they last completed it, check the Learning History section of their profile under the Career and Learning tabs.

    Can I withdraw a team member from a course?

    No, managers cannot withdraw team members from required courses. If the course is optional, the team member can drop it themselves, and it will no longer appear in their Learning application.

    How do I update or waive an assignment?

    To waive or update an assignment, whether required or optional, contact your area's learning administrator for assistance.

My Team's Learning Assignments

The My Team's Learning Assignments (Workday link) report allows managers to view learning assignments for their direct reports.

  • Overview

    The My Team's Learning Assignments report provides an overview of all learning assignments assigned to your team members, allowing you to track their progress and take action as needed. You can view due dates, completion statuses, and any upcoming or overdue assignments.

    Assignments versus Enrollments

    • Assignments:

      • Assign learning content to a team member.
      • Can be required or not required.
      • Appear on the learner’s "Required for You" or "Continue Learning" sliders.
      • May not appear on enrollment reports.
    • Enrollments:

      • Officially enroll a learner in a course.
      • Indicates active participation.

    In short, assignments assign content, while enrollments track active participation in content.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What can I do if an assignment is overdue?

    If an assignment is overdue, follow up with the team member directly or check with the learning administrator to see if additional support is needed to complete the training.

    Can I filter the assignments by status?

    Yes, you can filter assignments using any column header, including Assignment Status. The report is automatically sorted to show the most overdue assignments first.

Learning Enrollment and Completion Report ALL

The Learning Enrollment and Completion Report ALL (Workday link) report provides a comprehensive overview of all enrolled learning content for your team members.

  • Overview

    The Learning Enrollment and Completion Report ALL report allows managers to view all learning enrollments for their direct reports, whether completed, in progress, or yet to be started. You can filter the report by individual team members or by specific training content.

    Report Prompt Definitions

    • Learning Content: Enter the title of the digital course or program.
    • Blended Course: Enter the title of the blended course.
    • Completion Status: Select a status; workers may have multiple statuses (e.g., Completed, In Progress).
    • Attendance Status: Select a status; workers may have multiple statuses (e.g., Attended, Did Not Attend).
    • Enrollment Status: Select a status; workers may have multiple statuses (e.g., Enrolled, Dropped).
    • Supervisory Organization: Enter a manager’s name; the supervisor of the organization will not be listed in the report.
    • Include Subordinate Organizations: Check this box to include workers from subordinate organizations.
    • Cost Center: Enter the name of the cost center.
    • Worker Name: Enter the worker's name.

    Saved Search

    A Saved Search lets you save custom filters for quick access to specific data in future reports. To create a Saved Search, type a name in the Filter Name prompt and click the Save button.


    You can use the column headers to filter or sort the report data, which is automatically sorted alphabetically by worker by default.

    Exporting to Excel

    Use the Excel icon to export the report data to Excel, allowing for further manipulation and customization.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What type of data is included in the Learning Enrollment and Completion Report ALL?

    This report includes data on all enrollments, including the status of each course (completed, in progress, not started), and dates of completion.


Worker's Learning Profile

The worker's Learning profile provides a detailed history of their learning activities, including the Not Started, In Progress, and Learning History sections.

  • Overview

    The worker's Learning profile provides a detailed history of their learning activities, including the Not Started, In Progress, and Learning History sections.


    • Not Started: Displays learning content that the worker is enrolled in but has not yet begun.
    • In Progress: Displays learning content that the worker is enrolled in and is currently working on.
    • Learning History: Dispalys learning content that the worker has completed, including any failed or not attended learning content.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How do I view a worker’s learning transcript?

    To view the Learning profile, navigate to the worker’s profile, click the Career tab, then click on the Learning tab.

Official Learning Transcript Report

The Official Learning Transcript Report (Workday link) is a formal, non-editable transcript that includes the UVA logo and complies with the requirements of regulatory agencies for licensure and certification renewals.

  • Overview

    The Official Learning Transcript Report lists all completed learning content for the worker, providing a formal, non-editable record that includes the UVA logo and meets the requirements set by regulatory agencies for licensure and certification renewals.

    Report Prompt Definitions

    • Worker: Enter the name of the worker whose learning transcript you want to view.
    • Course Title: Enter the title of the course you want to search for in the transcript.
    • Learning Unit Type: Select the type of learning unit (e.g., course, program) to filter the report.
    • From: Enter the start date to filter the report for learning content completed after this date.
    • To: Enter the end date to filter the report for learning content completed before this date.

    Print Button

    Click the Print button to export the report as a PDF for saving or printing.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Why can't I access a worker's official learning transcript?

    To access a worker's official learning transcript, the worker must be one of your direct reports. If the worker is not on your team, you will not have access to their transcript.