Workday Learning Security Role Essentials

Workday Learning Security Role Essentials

Getting Started with Workday Learning

Workday Learning Security Roles offer customized access to a variety of tasks and reports, allowing users to manage training activities, learning resources, and development programs, based on their specific responsibilities and role permissions

All Workday Learning Security Roles have access to the Learning Admin application, where users can access various tasks and reports tailored to their responsibilities. If you need to request specific security roles, please complete our Learning Design & Technology Request Form.

Visit the Workday Learning Admin application now!


Workday Learning Security Roles Overview

  • Learning Administrator – Manages all aspects of Workday Learning, including courses, offerings, programs, assignments, enrollments, reporting, prerequisites, equivalencies, campaigns, and reminders.
  • Learning Local Administrator – Manages courses, offerings, programs, assignments, enrollments, and reporting.
  • Learning Offering Administrator – Manages learning offerings.
  • Learning Program Manager – Manages learning programs (grouping of digital and/or blended courses).
  • Learning Enrollment Administrator – Manages assignments and enrollments.
  • Learning Enrollment Partner (Deprecated) – Manages assignments and enrollments for specific Supervisory Organizations.
  • Learning Reports Administrator – Access to Workday Learning reports.
  • Instructor – Manages grading and attendance for instructor-led classes.
  • Assessor – Manages grading and attendance for training activities.

Job Aids

Click the (+) sign on each accordion to access links and descriptions to job aids.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Click the (+) sign on each accordion to access information related to frequently asked questions.

  • What is the difference between Blended Courses, Digital Courses, and Programs?

    Blended Courses: A combination of digital content and 1 or more scheduled, instructor-led lessons.

    Blended Course Offerings: A unique scheduled time or activity for a blended course.

    Digital Courses: A combination of digital content items that don't include a scheduled, instructor-led lesson.

    Programs: A combination of courses and lessons.

  • What content items can be included in a course?

    Both blended and digital courses can include any combination of these items:

    • Documents, such as course guides, activity guides, and job aids
    • External materials and links
    • Images and diagrams
    • Learning activities
    • Presentations, videos, simulations, and recorded webinars
    • Quizzes, knowledge checks, surveys, and exams
  • What are the different lesson types available?

    • External Content (hyperlink)
    • Instructor Led / Classroom Training
    • Instructor Led / Webinar
    • Media (video, packaged content, or document)
    • Training Activity (assessment, observation, or demonstration)
  • What is packaged content?

    Packaged content in Workday refers to learning content that's compliant with SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Mode) or AICC (Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee) file-type specifications. Workday supports the following packaged content versions based on different use cases:

    Use Case

    Recommended Standard Versions

    Basic tracking only, no Interactions required AICC or SCORM 1.2
    Interactions required SCORM 2004 (4th Ed)
    Content referenced from third-party vendor or location, requiring cross-domain communication AICC
    For overall reliability SCORM 1.2
    For overall expressiveness SCORM 2004 (4th Ed)
  • Which package formats do Workday support?

    SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 (2nd Edition), SCORM 2004 (3rd Edition), SCORM 2004 (4th Edition), and AICC 2.x.

  • What video file formats does Workday support?

    Workday supports most nonproprietary video formats. We recommend using these formats:

















  • What is the file size limit on individual uploads?

    20 GB, except for SCORM and AICC files, which have a limit of 4 GB.

  • How are completion statuses for Packaged Content, Lessons, and Courses determined?

    • Packaged Content: Completion status for packaged content is dependent on the logic built into the package by its author. Workday is reliant on receiving completion status information from the package.
    • Lessons: Completion status for lessons is dependent on the packaged content completion status. Lesson status is set to Not Started before content is launched. When packaged content is launched, and before it’s complete, the status sets to In Progress in most cases. We mark both package and corresponding lesson as Completed when the package sends completion status to Workday.
    • Courses: Completion status for learning courses is based on the logic for the course set by a learning administrator in Workday. Courses in Workday require all lessons that are required learning content to be complete.
  • What is the difference between Instructors and Assessors?

    You can create assessors and instructors to plan schedules and assess learners. You can assign them to content depending on the lesson type:

    • Assessors: You can create assessors for course offerings with training activity lessons.
    • Instructors: You can create internal instructors from workers already in your tenant and external, third-party instructors for courses and lessons. You can also assign subject matter experts as instructors for specific lessons.
  • Can I link directly to a Digital Course, Blended Course, or Program in Workday?

    Yes! There are a few ways you can copy the hyperlink:

    • Select the 'Learning' prompt in the global Search, type the name of the course or program, right-click on the course or program from the drop-down results, and select 'Copy URL'.
    • Navigate to the course or program in Admin view, right-click on the course or program title in the blue header, and select 'Copy URL'.
    • On any report, right-click on the course or program hyperlink and select 'Copy URL'.
  • What size should the course or program cover image be?

    Use an image aspect ratio of 16:9 (in case of 1,366 x 768), and 4:3 (in case of 1,024 x 768).

  • Why is versioning blended courses and programs so important?

    A course version is effective until you add a new version. If you add a new version for a course or program, Workday replaces the current version. The current version expires unless its Effective Date is in the future. In that case, it remains available for editing so that you can plan future enhancements to the course or program.

  • How do I create a QR code for a course or program?

    1. Navigate to the course or program in Workday
    2. Right-click on the course or program title
    3. Copy the URL
    4. Navigate to a QR code generator online
    5. Paste the URL
    6. Download the QR code
    7. Add your QR code to an email or document
  • What are the different Assignment Types?

    • Campaign
    • Learning Mass Enroll
    • Manager Enroll
    • Retraining
    • Web Services (EIB)
  • What types of interactions are available for videos?

    • Multiple Choice: Enables you to test viewer engagement by displaying a question and potential answers. You can mark more than 1 answer as correct. There isn't a limit to how many answers you can add. Workday scores Multiple Choice interactions as Correct or Incorrect. Viewers can select only 1 answer as their choice.
    • Open Response: Enables you to solicit a response from viewers by displaying a question and open forum for response. Workday doesn't score Open Response interactions.
    • Text Note: Enables you to provide viewers with additional context or information by displaying a note. Workday doesn't score Text Note interactions.
    • Checkbox: Enables you to test viewer engagement by displaying a question and potential answers. You can mark more than 1 answer as correct. There isn't a limit to how many answers you can add. Workday scores Checkbox interactions as Correct or Incorrect. Viewers must select all correct answers and none of the incorrect answers to receive a Correct score.
  • What caption file types does Workday support?

    • .dfxp
    • .srt
    • .ttml
    • .vtt
    • .xml
  • What applications are available to Workday Learning administrators?


    • Available for Learning Administrators only

    Learning Admin

    • Available for all Learning security roles

    Learning Trainer

    • Available for Instructors and Assessors

    Learning Admin Reporting

    • Available to Learning Reports Administrators